Hey guy's just thought I would pass this on to those who are and will be in this area on Sat May 5th 2007 , the early V8 club has a swap meet they put on up at the college in Hayward California at the top of Carlos B blvd.They are going to have a special showing of a crap load of never before seen 32 Fords that have been behind closed doors for 30 some odd years as well as a few woodies, This should be a very good show not to miss, maybe some one from this board can attend and snap a boat load of pictures to share with every one on here. Thanks Chris
it's a killer swap too... not real big, but there's a lot of good stuff. not a shitload of people selling repo parts and HOT WHEELS like some other swaps highly recommended
Sounds great. Thanks for posting. Is it an all day event? I plan on going and I will take a bunch of pics and post.
Not 680 ... 880. From Nipomo, you'd take 101 North to 880 North (in San Jose). Continue on 880 North thru San Jose, Milpitas, Fremont, Union City, & finally Hayward. Then take the Jackson St. east turnoff in Hayward. As you come off the freeway go to the first signal and make a right turn on Santa Clara. Santa Clara will turn into Harder Road. Follow Harder Road 1-1/2 miles up the hill to the University.
It was a good meet and I just missed a nice 40 Ford steering wheel ($80) and several license tabs ($5ea), at 0630. There was a stock original running 37 Chev coupe for $15K - the old motor smell was incredible as well as the original mohair!! I've got the owners ph# if anyone is interested - he's in the Hayward Ca. area. There was a nice showing of 32 Fords and other great rods. The 32's are showing up, I believe I heard, next weekend too in South San Franfreako @ Brizio's. Went to 'The Old Ford Store' too in Campbell - cool place! Bought some stainless steel, tapered, lug nut hole savers - if your holes are messed up. Thanks for the heads up woodythx138.
I have never seen a collection of cooler 32 (and a few other years) fords in one spot. B-freakin 400!! whens the last time you saw one of those. second lowest production of the 32 lineup. the ultimate with all the goods was there in uncompleted rolling form. 32 3 window, kinmont disc brakes, quickchange, ardun head flattie with a scot blower and a dash full of SW wings. very cool. lots of cars Ive never seen... and Hayward is like 20 minutes from my place. who's got some pics? the best thing about this swap is it is put on by the V8 ford club, which means there is a bunch of old guys cleaning out the garage of stuff they've had for 50 years. there was a bodyman/mechanics estate there. never seen so many different hammers and dollies in my life. I bet there was 1000 pounds of hammers, dollies and other junk to move metal around. got 4 old school quality dollies for $25 bucks. the only thing missing was that HEMI 32 guy and his coupe....