After talking to my doc, I'm going to the hospital to have a look inside my heart, via my thigh vein. I'm more than a little nervous about this. If you are a praying sort, I'd be indebted to you if you could put a good word in with the Big Guy for me. If you're not the praying kind, a good thought will suffice. I hate to ask this, it doesn't feel right, but I know you'd understand. I have cars to finish!!!
Chili... I've had this done, the procedure itself isn't that bad, only takes 'em about five minutes. Good Luck, I hope they don't find anything nasty in there.
Hang in there,you are in good hands.I had my first angiogram 7yrs ago,better to know what's going on in there,than not,so they can fix things before it's panic time.My thoughts go with you.
I'm praying for you, but this procedure is a good thing. If they find any blockage it can be addressed. If it turns out clear, think of the peace of mind you'll have knowng the pipes are clean. Either way, you are ahead. Just my thoughts. Doc.
I've had an angio twice. They put a stent in but it collapsed, so they did it again and put another one inside the first one. The only pain is the anisthetic injection in your thigh, you dont feel the other stuff because the arteries have no nerves inside them. It's all rather quick and easy, extremely low risk factor, you'll breeze in. The worst part is not being able to eat breakfast that day!
Hey Phil, my thoughts are with you!!!! We still got lots of cruising to do together and Ive got lots more brain picking todo from the old days from you.........let us know how it all works out. John
I too have had it done. My advise is if they offer something to take the edge off TAKE IT!. I was trying to be tough and refused it. The procedure is very common and they are good at it. Relax it will be over soon. Take a rod mag to look at while you wait. Bo
Yep !, I am the praying type,......... I be praying for ya' , let us know how this turns out,.... (Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.)
you'll come through, had it done along with a quad bypass going on 6 yrs ago. not too bad, you will be in our prayers today. good luck and may god bless you and yours
Phil, don't be a sissy! Just messing with ya man, thoughts and prayers going out to you. You're gonna be just fine. Hell, you can't kick off yet, you haven't tried my Texas smoked brisket chili.
My dad has just had it done in New York & even he said its no big deal & he hates hospitals. & yes you do have cars to finish but more important i have chilli to try!! Hope all goes well. Kev.
I to am the praying type. Prayer has gotten me through some really tough times. Your on my list and we'll be sending some on your behalf. Place yourself in HIS hands and you'll do just fine. Frank
Better to do it now than what I did. I just had a massive heart attack last June. They told me at the hospital they revived me several times but wouldnt give a number.I was dead! I finally came to 10 days later (they had me heaviliy sedated)and was told they did angioplasty and the main artery to the lower half of my heart was plugged 100%. They opened it up and put a stint in. I did get 20% damage and before they transported me from one hospital to the other to have the work done on me they gave me a brain scan just to make sure i wasnt a veggie after going under so many times for so long? Think about That! I quit smoking and im on a better diet im popping pills every day but i can work and im alive. I had just payed off my house and bought a new harley? 1 month before ..I woke up and started thinking about all the stuff i had and almost didnt see again including my family. Things that used to piss me off make me laugh now! GET IT DONE and good luck. I got to see my heart doc next tuesday but ive already passed all the tests. Dave
Phil, all of us here are with you. Thanks, for asking. Don't let stress become the underpinning or your drivetrain. Gratitude for the acts of others & friends. Humour, sometimes when OL'Beet strikes!(or Squirrel, or PorknBeaner...) There are more meaningfull reasons, to be here.
Hang in there Phil. My thoughts are with you. We gotta finish that Olds so we can cruise the Blvd together.
Thoughts are with ya brother... Be carefull what ya complain about to the doc. All they want to do is poke and prod every time ya complain about an ache or pain. Its no fun getting a lot of frequent flyer miles from the cath lab. For awhile there the cath lab nurses knew me by my first name! All kidding aside.. Its good they are looking and if they find something they can fix it right then. You'll be glad you had it done. Keep in touch. You have my number.