I'm looking at two options at this point. I have enough recipes to do a second book, but I'm leaning toward adding all the new recipes to the old book and just putting together one big ass cookbook. To which I'll add a tech section with tips and other stuff. I'm somewhat pressed for time because all the training thats going on for our next deployment to Iraq so that is why I'm leaning towards a revised book one. I plan on doing most of the work this month and next and going to print by July. Either way we still need cover art for the new book.
Having benefitted from the cookout at the HAMB drags, I for one can verify that this is a good cause (thanks all involved). Zeke - I have voted and still reckon that the 'least effort for the best result' option should always win!
Zeke, I came upon another recipie that I made and got some rave reviews at a friend's party---'Hot Cornbread Crab Dip' Is it too late to submit more? BTW, I voted BIG ASS BOOK since I missed the first...
you get the rest of my emails with rp's sketches??? i vot big book also! that i didnt get the first one anyway, so, ill only have to buy one!!!
I still need to have the girl send you that recipe for Taco Pie! Damn we had it for dinner this wknd and boy was it good. I'll get right on it. One big book!
The vote is in and it seems that ya'll want it the Big Hokey Ass Cookbook. Cool this is easier for me by far. I got some of them to work Todd but not all of them. Seems when you sent more than two they don't work.
zeke, don't make me any difference. i've got the first book. whatever you put out this year i'm down for one.
if you repop, and make a new i'll take one of each, gonna have anything that smells like fish and tastes like chicken?