I was looking through the HAMB classifieds last month and after seeing the 64 Olds Super 88 grille that jakespeed63 was selling, a big lightbulb went on above my head. A big thanks to JT for the excellent packaging that saved it from the Fedex gremlins. So here it is fitting into my 63 M100 just like it was made for it, I still need to finish the mounting hardware but I couldn't resist snapping a shot of it the way it is for now
I'd like to see more of the truck as well, and that grille looks cool in there...you got my wheels turning for my 66 F series now haha
I'm surprised but that really does look great in there. Adds a bit of flash to the truck. Those taillights are crazy looking. What's the story behind those?
What years were Mercury trucks made? I thought it was only done for a few years in the 50s. Was this a production vehicle or something you did? Never seen one that new.
Not sure on the years but Mercs were sold in Canada (not sure if Fords were too) where as Fords were marketed in the US. Someone else out there probably has better info on it than me, but I would imagine that the US market didn't want a truck with a Mercury badge when everyone thought of trucks in Ford/Chevy/etc. terms.
It had more to do with our market being smaller and less affluent so Mercury dealers needed more product to sell to keep them afloat. Also they would sell tarted up Fords as Meteors/ Monarchs etc depending on the year. http://www.ford.ca/english/learnabout/heritage/prewartrucks/mercurytrucks/default.asp
Ford sold trucks starting with either the F-1(1947) or F-100(1953) series badged as MERCURY in Canada, Mexico, and also Central and South America. I believe everywhere else the truck line was Ford.