dude I edited my post... and then I got an email from the Central Chat people that the ban has been lifted. "hey, i had some problems with a former staff member who went postal and caused some havoc. the ban has been removed now and the staff member who set it is gone. sorry about this." The good thing about the slashnet channel is a mass ban like that won't happen.
good thing...i was to fuckin stupid to get on yours!!!wouldnt let me sign in for shit!!but you know how dumb i iz on these things...and....everything else!
I'm game.... just a tip, if you join and say hi and no one answers within 20 sec that doesn't mean no one wants to talk... give it some time and people will notice that you joined and start talking
Hey Fiddy! glad to see you posting again, how was the move? everything going well for you and Dawn? I don't have your number anymore...oh, and I'm a Kropduster now!
Has anybody here ever used SpinChat ? There's a place we could establish a H.A.M.B. chatroom that everybody can use.
Been using x-chat aqua on my mac no problem. Used chatzilla previously. Both work fine.... We've posted instructions a few times for those having difficulty. It's IRC and everyone can use it. There is not an OS that doesn't have plenty of IRC clients. And here is a link to a new thread that has instructions as well... HAMB Chat