Any know of any hoarders, scrapyards ,junk yards or crazy persons in western Washington that have a 20's 30's sheat metal stash? Does the Le May estae still have some stuff? Did they sell all there stuff off? Are they still buying? I heard of another guy fom Tacoma that has a ton of stuff? I know a few people!? Let me know? WOW tons of responses.Thakns for the reply's! But what I meant was NON wrecking yards. Has All American auto ever had any 20's stuff?. I am looking for out in the woods/bushes,crazy persons,scrap piles/yards. Places you have to jump over fences, out run dogs ,get the guy drunk! Can only go at night! Anyone ever been to the wrecking yard that used to be in central park,Wa ( Just outside of Montesano. NOT IKAN) They crushed everyting about 15 years ago.
Other than my front yard All the old stuff is gone, All the boneyards were shut down 5-10 years ago and everything was scrapped, really sucks but there still is some decent tin around, just takes lookin
Your opening sentence immediately made me think of a junk yard in Idaho that I walked through about a year ago. You can see it from I-84 between the Oregon border and Caldwell (about 30 miles east), but unless you know its there you won't know what it is. If you are willing to go that far I'll try to do a better job of explaining its location.
truck parts if intrested>> pm me<< I'd rather see them go to a fellow car guy than the crusher but my stash is over taking my workspace
That was vintage auto parts and they are long gone. They sell aluminum fishing boats and stuff there now.
Is that the place that if i remember right has a bunch of "completes" for sale on one end and a bunch of old engines, junked cars, and old wooden fences on the other?
It's All American Classics Neat place, but haven't been there since they started charging ya to look around.
no wonder vintique in woodinville went out of business i called them in 1978 for a 1936 plymouth bellhousing that the guy rebuilding my motor broke when it fell out of the truck and the guy wanted to charge me 8 hours labor to pull bellhousing plus $100 bucks for the part.
Has anyone else heared of or seen that place in eastern/central Washington where theres that older farm house with HUNDREDS of Model A, model T, Duece, Dodge, buick, and etc bodies??? surrounded by a fence and farm crops? any info on that?
Yes. I bought the world famous "Kracker" 28 coupe from there, have an address here somewhere. It was hilarious, just put gas in it, then drove to the Ford picnic, not a stitch of paint on it to be seen
Yea i believe i know Kracker, Glen out here in sultan had that car Anyway while on the subject anyone know anything about the complete dark blue 1/2 tarped 30-31 Pickup in Everett? i really dont want to be anymore descriptive.
There's one in Sedro Woolley, they asked me to leave when I took photos... Then there is one near Ikea in Seattle, mostly new shit but I found some cool parts from there as well. 2/ In Puyallup there is a huge yard with a small area full of older cars. 3/ This salvage yard in Bremerton was full of old stuff. 4/ In Bremerton there is an another wrecking yard near the previous one, but it was closed when I stopped by. I was told there's something too. Happy hunting... --mika
i think the one your talking about near bremerton is belfair auto wrecking. cool place alot of misc stuff like doors and hoodsetc. not sure if the old guys still runs it but his name is charly and hes a relly cool old guy. thats the place that used to have women pull parts topless. that didnt last long i guess.
Wow. Yes that's the place. I was last there a year ago, and don't see anyway I can make it again before June 18th...