Just last week we introduced Brookville Roadster to the Alliance. It was a big deal for me as I had been trying to l...<P><P>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
Sweet! How did I miss Brookville being added? I've got to stop spending so much time away from the HAMB.
Classic Instruments.. Good guys. Very cooperative and helped me change a NOS Ampmeter to a Voltmeter in a vintage set of gauges. Nice score Ryan.
In my dealings with Classic Instruments, I have had only good experieces. Thats great they are now an Alliance Vendor!
This is great. Classic is an absolute stand up company. Besides a great product, their tech support and sales staff is top notch. I went to them after having a bad experience with one of their competitors, and Im glad I did. Pretty soon Im going to need to have an old set of gauges retro-fitted, Im glad they are on the aliance list now.
And anyone who thinks they only do "modern" instrumentation, think again. They're "retro-storing" a set of '47 Chevy gauges for me--complete OE-looking faces and modern mechanicals behind. I wasn't sure they could pull it off at first, but when they sent me a prelim pic of the gauge faces, I thought they scanned an original one. Nope. Good goin, Ryan.
I also have had nothing but positive experiences with them. Sept. '05, the Sunday afternoon of the HSRA show in Kzoo Michigan and I find out my dad's fuel gauge is not working and I knew mine didn't work. We were leaving 4 days later for California. Not really the best idea to run across crounty with no fuel gauge in either car SO I head into the vendor building and over to the CI booth. I chat up one of the sales guys and inform him of my situation. He says let me take a look and follows me ALL the way to the other side of the fairgrounds to check out the gauge. He doesn't have that exact guage in stock, it's an older, curved glass one BUT he says if you can get it out bring it to me and I'll take it back with me, we'll fix it on Monday and Monday nite I'll get it back out to you. Sure enough on Tuesday a package was delivered with the same gauge just new guts or whatever he did to fix it, got it installed on Tuesday and Thursday we headed west! I never ran outta gas that trip....but Dad did. Been working great ever since. Hats of to Classic Instruments! Looking forward to using them again in the future. Oh yeah, I've stopped by that booth a couple of times since and the guy that helped me out before always says hi and asks how I'm doing. It's nice to be remembered even though it was such a small sale.
I started dealing with Frank(the founder of Classic Gauges) back in the 70's as one of his distributors. Was really bummed when he sold it.....but the folks that have it know have picked up the ball and done nothing but make it BETTER, if that was possible. Welcoms aboard fellas.
For everyone that has posted comments about our company so far, thank you! It is the great folks like yourselfs that makes being a part of this industry so much fun. We strive to be able to assist all of you out there with your instrumentation needs, you have a voice and we are here to listen. We are passionate about what we do and can't wait to see what you come up with next. Classic Instruments goal is to provide the best service available when it comes to fitting your project with gauges. Please feel free to contact us our 1-800-575-0461 if you have any questions or need any assistance. We have enjoyed cruising through the site in the past and we are now excited to be a part of what is going on with the H.A.M.B. Thanks again, The Team at Classic Instruments
Good to see a fellow Northern Michigan fellow and great vendor like Classic here on the HAMB! Looking forward to seeing you folks next time I am in Boyne City...just a short ride from Traverse City!!
Thanks Ryan; I have contacted Classic Instruments about gauges for the Venus project. Patrick/Houston
Count me as another totally satisfied customer. They did the gauges in the '33 and I am very happy with them. Doc.
I just love this set up ... but ... How much is it and is it available. It would be perfect for this 32 dash.
Just a quick guess would be around 2500 US Dollars maybe more There stuff is awesome though. Shane T.
Oh man! I just saw this when I did a search. AWESOME! So you guys really like their gauges?? No issues? I was looking at SW gauges, but think I'm going to steer clear because of all the complaints. Just want good quality, no BS, products. I have a ring-wind mechanical clock that is going to go in my dash and I want them to match the faces if it's not too outragous. I think the clock I have is from the 30's or so. Maybe even earlier. Would love for them to match. Is it totally outragous to get custom faces??
BTTT. I want to hear more about everyone's experiences with these gauges. Looks like they make gauges for Mooneyes also.