Not just native American...I'd say distinctively Hopi! I think you'll see those in an early sixties JC Whitney catalog--I think it promised something vaguely inductive to "activate" the other cylinders from one firing so they'd do something magically better...'up to" xyz MPG improvement, etc.
Ya you'd notice your car with no spark, haha. You do really have some wird shit. I find it interesting though, keeps me guessing.
Pretty hokey isnt it ? I collect some of these old ignition devises and none of them ever really worked , although some may have fixed a problem ny accident etc. The solar multi ring advertized that it atomized the air fuel mixture with a slight chage etc. All it really did was short out in a very short period of time and cause the engine not to run. The other one was a rotor of sorts that was to increase spark output which was the same old trick of removing the coil wire and replacing it back loosely ( to increase resistance) causing a higher spark output. Amazing that some of these old devises still resurface from time to time. I have a paper one with resistors in it for a model t ford from the 20s and just last year had a off shore company ask our company to test a new version of the same product for import. It seems nothing is really ever new ????
I have one of those, mine is called "the Stromberg Condenser" It's a little older than yours, but I think I like the name "Solar Volt Electronic Powerizer" the best.
Start making them again , put an ad in a high volumn magazine promising better milage and you'll sell millions of them. My guess is you won't be able to keep up with the orders. P.T. Barnum said "there's a sucker born every minute". I think he was being VERY conservative. I'm offering shares in the new company for a low,low $1000/share introductory offer. Any takers? You can phone your order in by dialing BR549 and asking for Junior. Frank
problem is trying to sell them for modern cars that don't have distributors? I looked in my old JCW catalog, I have the ad....
"problem is trying to sell them for modern cars that don't have distributors?" No sweat...they work just as well installed in the ashtray, and even better you don't even get your hands dirty putting it in! A new feature! Add a fresh minty scent to the plastic, and it can be an air freshener too! People with a serious interest in saving gas will appreciate the extra fubctionality!
dude, is it the RONCO or POPEAL version? that's what the extra part was when i had my "electric dog polisher" rebuilt. the guy that did the work was baffled. should have never paid for the work he did the dumbass!
Well you'd be wrong ,,gotta few of em and gonna put em on the shelf with all the other wierd lil things..
I used a device one time. I forget the name and manufacturer, but it was basically a capacitor that plugged inline with the coil wire and cap. It produced a very notceable and positive difference. It did everything it claimed to do. The only problem was that it got some water in it due to heavy rains once and ruined it. That's when I opened it up and figured out that it was a crude capacitor (a wafer of mica sandwiched between two washers.) I'd like to find another.