So I was laid off about a month ago due to payroll cuts.I decided to just take some time off to get some work done around the house and to try and finish atleast one of the 2 cars I have. I just started getting serious about working on one of the cars about a week ago...and bam...I get sick...thought I was better....but got worse.Saw the doctor today....and I guess I have "Shingles" and could be out of commission for atleast a month.This really freaking sucks.......I really wanted to get a car done soon so I can have some fun this summer,and now it hurts to bend down or even reach up. Anyone else in my situation so I don`t feel as bad??
Unemployed, house in foreclosure, infected ear and infected eye, gas company threatened to shut me off and I quit smoking a while back...just gotta keep on keepin on man...nothing you can do but work through it and hope for the of luck, and I hope you recover faster than they say you will...
I am not in your shoes so maybe I really do not have a say but in times like this I think you should still count your blessings of what you do have. Sometimes when we look around at other's situations we realize that it could always be worse for us!! Also remember that Success is Attitude. Keep a great one and you will conquer it.
Shingles comes from the Chicken Pox virus. It is usually brought on by stress. It is very painful and can last a long time in some cases.
In a year when life's bursting at the seams again, you'll be wishing for some of this downtime. So take advantage of a rare opportunity to kick back and do something different. Did you used to build model cars? Ever wanted to read a series of books? Have you been to all your local museums and historical attractions? Good luck, it'll turn out well.
They say you can only get chicken pox once, and I had them as a child. Anytime I am around anyone with chicken pox now, I get shingles. Not major, but they do suck. Never stopped me from working on my own stuff though.
yeah well where I have the rash is right my it makes even sitting down very diffucult!!!
hahahaahaha.....i knew that was coming!! it was curious at first....hadn`t a clue as to what it was.... I just had to cancel helping my buddy with his car at the Nostalgic Drag Races at Rt.66 Saturday...
The Bells Paulsy post and this one are making me feel sickley. I had shingles last year. Got on antibiotics, rested for a few days, then got right back out in the shop. I had it on the side of my nose, around my eye. It was intense. If you aren't embarassed about letting people see it there is no reason it should take you totally out of comission though.
Man!! good luck with that. Shingles are rough. My pops had it. Only he was unlucky enough to be one of the rare people who get it on his face. It was one of the craziest things I've ever seen. It was a perfect right angle over his forehead and right eye(some weird brain/central nervous system stuff). It was extremely painful. Just scabbing over, and then the scab would fall off only to have another scab underneath it... Man, wouldn't wish it on anyone. Take Care!!
Let's see,picked up the '29 Chevy,lost job after,bronchial asthma flared up,can't afford to work on '29 so have to sell it,looking for work,pinched nerve in my back and neck so it hurts to turn my neck to mthe right at all and to sit and stand..Hmmm,trade ya for the shingles..Second thought,nah..Hope you get better..Hope everyone who's gotten laid off gets back to working soon..
I just got over a case of LICHEN PLANUS. Imagine a poisen ivey welts and rash over your whole body for 4 months....
man thats sucks, i had shingles on my back thru my left arm pit and across my left nipple, didnt feel it to much cause my chest is still numb from a quad bypass. doc gave me steroids, went away in about 2 weeks. best of luck to you man. keep your chin up.
3 and 1/2 weeks ago i had orthognathic surgery (lower jaw) they took a half an inch out of each side of my jaw and slid it back to align my bite. so i havent had solid food since, my mouth has been rubber banded shut since and all i get to eat has to come through a straw, yeah im losing lots of weight. Went to the doc today and he said i have to wear this hardware in my mouth for another 5 weeks, i was expecting 6 weeks total and 4 if all went perfect. My chin feels like 25 bees continue to sting due to the main nerve that was exposed during surgery and i feel like shit all the time, no energy and in pain. I feel your pain bro and wish you good health and better luck!
Got shingles after a Stem Cell Transplant and they do freaking hurt and are irritating as hell. Good luck with everything
No brag here but it MIGHT make you feel a little better. In 1988 I had an industrial garage door collapse on me (1600 lbs.). Spent the next 3 1/2 years in the hospital and 7 brain operations, followed by 1 1/2 years in a rehab hospital learning how to walk, get dressed, feed myself, and write my name. Still have severe headaches, short term memory loss and lots of skeletal issues. By the grace of God I'm still here with a wonderful wife, two married children, 7 grandchildren, and most of my shop equipment from my former life to keep myself busy with hot rod projects. Next year it will be 20 years since that event, Life is good. Frank
Wow........I only have knee problems from running and marching so much from the Infantry days................... I really am fortunate. I hope you all feel better!
Have you tried Capsasin P on the shingles? DON'T GET IT ON YOUR WIENER OR YOU WILL CRY LIKE A BABY. I've had them three times. Once as described in the armpit/tit on my left side. Once on an arm. Once on my groin. Chicken Pox is a form of Herpes like virus. Once you have them, your done but the virus resides in your spinal cord. Stress will bring a flare up. The doctor told me if you had a mild case as a child, you are more likely to get it later. The CapC is for arthritis but it is some hot assed pepper stuff like BenGay x100000. It basically is so hot it dulls the nerve endings. I painted my house when I had them 'down there' and spend a week on a ladder. On one episode of 'Cops' an old toothless trailer lady told a guy 'You ain't dead' and that has become the mantra at our house. My son broke his arm last week and as he laid there trying to cry (he was laughing too hard) his brother tells him 'You ain't dead.' Lots of compassion in this household! By the way, that brother has been tying his shoes all week to get him out faster to help around the farm where he can. I hope you all get well soon. And Frank, I'd never have guessed you'd had that kind of injury. I just assumed you were a crazy old man!!! LOL!
about 2 1/2 years ago I left my wife of 30 yrs( she was a drinker). my Mom died & i lost my job, all within a 4 month period. Things have a way of turning around for the better, Hang it there.Your Karma will fall into place. JimV
Shingles and excema. I can't touch a damn thing without my hands going crazy. Basically makes me a turnkey enthusiast nowadays. And yeah, currently working a temp job. But keep your head up - your shingles DOES go away (and will come back, but it's manageable). I hate to say it, but when the doc says no fried foods, lay off the caffeine after noon (you already quit smoking - bravo) and start exercising, he means it. Don't let the turkeys get you down, brother, it all gets better! Thresh
Man I feel bad about bitching that my knees hurt now,sorry for you man but hope you get on your feet,we have been there at some point,it does get better,God bless.