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you want to BLOW UP MY CAR?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Lobsterboy X, May 24, 2007.

  1. Chuckles Garage
    Joined: Jun 10, 2006
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    Chuckles Garage
    Alliance Vendor

  2. tred
    Joined: Mar 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,379


    Aw, Hell No!

    That's One Good Lookin' Bucktooth!
  3. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278

    Member's a 4 dr Buick...if it was your dad's first car, or had real sentimental value I would say keep it.....but it's really just an old car that needs a bunch of work...sell it and get the car back when they are done with it (get it in writing)...then pull the running gear and put it all in a 2 dr that will actually be worth something someday. Hell how many old cars have gone to the crusher without everyone whining ...and they went for cheeep.
  4. knotheads
    Joined: Jan 4, 2007
    Posts: 499


    you did the right thing ...there have been far to many good savable cars blown up for the sake of filming a movie...i think the practice sucks.
  5. Dakota
    Joined: Jan 21, 2004
    Posts: 1,535

    from Beulah, ND

    i think i woulda sold it. if you can get the hulk of the rest of them back and take the money and find something you really want.

    i know people will hate me for this, but unless its got setimental value, its just a 4 door buick with rusty floors.

    i think 5500 is alot of money for that car.
  6. borntoolate
    Joined: Feb 18, 2006
    Posts: 320


    Old cars have souls! I think the "car gods" were angered by the seventies "gas crunch" and the need to have more efficient cars. And now cars don't have souls. Save the old souls!
    Richard D likes this.
  7. HemiDave
    Joined: Aug 7, 2006
    Posts: 471

    from Austin, TX

    You made the right choice!

    Quinten Tarentio admitted that he LIED to people so they would sell him their Challengers and Chargers so he could wreck them in his latest stupid movie that I can't even recall the name of.

    Chris, we need to SAVE more Chargers. Especially with the 'new' Charger that is out. People will think THAT is a Charger!

    Now if they wanted to crush some Chevrolets...ya know, those cute little FRENCH cars.....:D

  8. bohlsd
    Joined: Feb 22, 2007
    Posts: 122


    I tend to agree that you should save old cars. However, anything I got (except family and dogs) is for sale for the right price. I didn't say cheap but if you want it bad enough (cash talks) we can probably make a deal!
  9. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
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    from colorado

    i'd take the money and run.

    look at it this way, 4 door 50 buicks ain't even remotely rare, so odds are they'll just find an even nicer one than yours to blow up. either way, some 4 door 50 buicks are gonna meet their maker.
  10. Many a HAMBer would recognize a sbc as it hurtles end over end out of a fireball that otherwise was a '50 Buick.
  11. whats the difference if they pay you your asking price to blow it up, or a drunk with no insurance totals it when it's parked at the curb?
  12. 53 special
    Joined: Mar 4, 2007
    Posts: 18

    53 special

    I wouldn't sell it to him yea they probably get one from somewhere else but you would not be part on destroying a car that cannot be replaced. Let them buy a new glass body car and blow it up they are making more of those. I like selling my cars to someone that is going to care for them and not destroy them. There is a diffrence between knowing they are going to destroy it than selling it to a guy who wrecks it 3 days later he did not do it on purpose.
  13. oldschool54
    Joined: Aug 6, 2005
    Posts: 27


    Dont sell it! That car has soul and history. Sure they will be others out there but you and your car have history. I don't know about you but for $5500 I cant find anything worth pushing. Anyone can buy a new car but a true classic only a few of us have the oportunity to own and experiance!
  14. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
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    from colorado

    any of you guys want to put your money where your mouth is?

    it'll be hard to put a price on such a PRICELESS irreplaceable collector car...but i'll try...i'm about to haul off for SCRAP a pretty solid 64 riviera, minus engine. it needs help pretty bad, but hey, like y'all say, they ain't making any more of em, are they? if some hamber wants to save it, i'll sell it with the aluminum drums, buckets seats, and any other good parts intact for the paltry sum of $500. but you better hurry before some movie producer offers me much more for it.

    i got a hunch nobody will step up and save this car. i won't shed a tear when it gets crushed.
  15. haring
    Joined: Aug 20, 2001
    Posts: 2,335



    Indiana Jones 4

    I would sell it.

    Demand that you are on set for the filming. Get actor signatures. Eat catered food. Have fun.

    Heck, it's a 4-door, so I might have been tempted to blow it up myself.

  16. Can I have his #???
    I have access to a 50 buick 4 door RIGHT NOW!
    and it's FOR SALE and I know the owner could care less if it blows up..I know I don't...
    I'm willing to take Hollywood $$$ if they're right...
    But I'm a mercenary...

    DUCK!!!! Incoming hate!
  17. When i first started reading this post i was like oh hell no and my head shot left and right but now that im on the 3rd page im with Haring i would of got 8 g's, flown to CT on the set, ate the food, drank ALL their beer and blown up my old car. If you were holding the detonator that shit would be worth it. Not that it isn't a sweet car but im with Brewsir its a four door. Call em back man...8k and blow that fucker up yourself!...Indy 4 hell yeah!
  18. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,459

    from Zoar, Ohio

    With all they can do with Computer generated images. Give me a break. That car is beautiful. I couldn't sell it either. Good choice.
    I hate spoiled money.
  19. mramc1
    Joined: May 26, 2006
    Posts: 424


    Not no, but hell no! that looks too good! Besides, with the money many movies budget they can destroy real collector cars w/o even thinking about it. :( The original Dukes of Hazard series destroyed 200-300 '69 Chargers.:mad:>

    I no way condone destroying collector cars for movies any more than anyone else here. You have to remember that when Dukes was first on the Chargers were only ten year old cars. If there was a show today staring and wrecking 1997 Mustangs I doubt anyone would blink an eye, but in 25 years there would probably be the same feeling about that destruction as the Dukes.

    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  20. bustingear
    Joined: Oct 29, 2002
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    Some I might roll like a PACER, GREMLIN or PINTO but not that one!
  21. tomslik
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    i got a little different view of 50 buicks.....
    i'd have no problem making little pieces out of all of 'em....
    but if yours has a floor in it, it belongs in a museum;)
  22. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
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    from colorado

    y'know, when i saw the new tarintino flick it really took me back to the days of my youth, because it was REAL. real cars, real people, real stunts. everybody else is using CGI, so it's refreshing to see it done the old way for a change. it's funny how the things that bothered me as a kid watching the old shows and movies, now give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. example: the countless tire marks on pavement where they did the stunt over and over to get the shot. i saw them as being "fake" back then, because they didn't nail it in one shot, now, seeing such "tells" in a new movie takes me back and realize that was as real as it got.

    i won't let a few cars getting wrecked in movies bother me, you can't save em all. we probably lose between a couple hundred and a thousand old cars every single day to much less glamorous deaths, the crusher, traffic accidents, rust. where's the outrage? where are all of the young guys who think every single rusty old 4 door is gold when you need them? i offered a car above at the price of scrap, no takers.
  23. slow64
    Joined: Apr 21, 2005
    Posts: 231

    from MB, Canada

    Now THAT says it. Holy shit man, well put.
  24. haring
    Joined: Aug 20, 2001
    Posts: 2,335


    What about all those hard-working guys who make pastel crayons, markers and oil paints?

    And then some creep comes along and DESTROYS the integrity of the crayon?

    SQUEEZES the guts out of the tube of paint, and leaves it for dead ... a crippled, flacid shell of its former glory?

    Some might make the argument that the user of the pigments and paints is making ART.

    PSSssssh! He's destroying another man's hard work.


  25. Section 8
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
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    Section 8
    from AZ

    "This thread really isn't even about money in the end. Its about one man destroying the hard work and dreams of another man and doing it on purpose."

    Actually it's only about money.

    If they didn't make an offer of money that he's really tempted to take, this thread wouldn't exist.

    If they offered $50,000, he'd be bragging about the check he's holding.

    What it does point out is that the"hard work and dreams of another man " usually comes down to the price tag he's willing to take and the sometimes painful acceptance of how little they're worth.

    It reminds me of an old joke.

    A guy walks up to an okay looking woman in a bar.
    He points at an older guy sitting across the room.
    He tells her the man is very wealthy and attracted to her. His client is willing to pay her a milion dollars to sleep with him.
    She thinks about it for a brief moment and says in a flattered voice "Sure!"
    The guy walks back to the old man, they talk for a moment and he returns to the woman

    "My client asks if you'll do it for $20."

    Upset, she shouts "What kind of woman do you think I am!?"

    He says: "We've already established what kind of woman you are, we're just renegotiating the price."
  26. haring
    Joined: Aug 20, 2001
    Posts: 2,335


    I was inspired by your avatar monster.

    That, and it's really hot in my studio.

    And the thought of calling a tube of paint "flaccid" made me laugh.


  27. Section 8
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
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    Section 8
    from AZ

    "Dude, ... Its ALL about superiority and screwing others. "

    "Its about one man destroying the hard work and dreams of another man and doing it on purpose."

    None of the above can happen unless the seller willingly decides to accept the money he's being offered
    Save the drama- Only one of the parties is in complete control of the situation.
  28. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    Excellent analogy.....the film maker is the 'artist' and the car is the 'paint'.....makes sense to me.......
  29. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
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    from colorado

    would you rather get paid for your art, or give it away and be in the hands of someone who really loves it? last i seen, you weren't giving your art away, you were selling it. our dreams and all that bullshit have a price. i ain't saying it's all about money, but it's a factor.

    MY point is that some of us have a more pragmatic view of things. if some guy, whoever the fuck he is, offers me twice what one of my cars is worth, it's sold, no questions asked. he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it, i won't be rolling in piles of money, rather using the funds to do what i love, build cars, using a nicer straight rust free example, vs. the crap i usually have to start with.
  30. i just want to set the record straight- here in los angeles, cars come at a premium. think about it this way, if this guy was prepared to offer me some mad money for my car 10k plus id have a realllllly hard time saying no. the fact that i took the car to death after 57 years of life on the road would hang over my head forever. i do love my car, i have several cars that i love.

    maybe im not a shrewd business man, maybe i think more with my heart than i do with my head... 4 door, 2 door, convertible whatever, its still a tangible piece of history that you can actually get in and drive. cars have never been a status symbol for me, its just what i like.

    my mom broke out some picture albums to show my girlfriend what i looked like as a baby. one of the very first pictures of me is my mom holding me in a blanket bringing me home from the hospital in my dads 54 roadmaster hardtop. as we kept fliping the pages, it shows me standing in my dads convertible, playing with the switches and knobs. i have a real connection to these cars- call me overly sentimental but its one of the few things that makes me truly happy about this really edgy world we live in

    in the end it boils down to 3 things:
    if he had offered me 10k plus i would have sold the car- i would always have that hanging over my head.

    offering 6k just to blow it up.. no, thats just stupid and wasteful. its a clean car and its something i like. if a kid came along with some money in his pocket and wanted the car because it was something he really liked and wanted to work on and drive- its his. no questions asked and i can just mark another tally for the cars that ive owned.

    and finally- 4 door, 2 door whatever - its a very classic car- a very outragious one and its one that ive always wanted- im not going to watch it get blown up for braging rights "yeah my car got fucked up for indiana jones 4"

    part them out, chop them up- but dont destroy every salvagible piece from a already nice well kept car

    just imagine those tail lights in your "a" project or that straight 8 with 6 carbs between some rails...or imagine it becoming a honda.

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