Here is my 51 Special. It isn't done but its getting there. The 12 volt conversion is what is holding me back. And yes i have all the ports and trim. I am going to paint my car again soon so I took everything off
Nice lookin' customs guys! Really diggin on your 51, Asher. I've been looking at early Buicks for awhile now though most of what I've come up with are restores or cars that are more-or-less stock. I've got one heck of a link for you if you haven't seen it yet: and here's a pretty radical job. Not quite my personal taste but it goes above and beyond a lot of typical jobs and I've gotta give credit to whomever carried this one out: That one started as a 1951 Roadmaster ((obviously, looking at the ports)) ~~V.
yuck...(meant for the blue one above),,the rest of them are nice,,,what color will the primered one end up being?
That blue heinous pony is neither a 1951 nor a Roadmaster...I would think a manual would say that no?
I liked them all axcept the top on the 50 blue Buick and the bumpers , please don't paint the bumpers. Chrome and original lines are so important on early Buicks don't change them just smoothe them out. Alot of work on that car and you have to appreciate that. Rags
Heres mine when I got it just under a year ago putting floors in it and new seals in engine. I might go beack with the same paint but with out letters.
That ugly one is a Super. All 2 door hard tops with 3 ports are supers. My 51 is almost done. I need to hook up the rest of the stuff for my new wiring harness. I have all the connections there now its just hooking them up. Also my car is going to get some new paint tomorrow. I will post a pic when its done
You still here,Dons T? I thought you went back to sitting on the wall at Home Depot. You give the HAMB a bad name...