Pros - bragging rights, I guess; plus maybe using a part you already have and are familiar with Cons - cutting your frame in half, track width is wrong, confuses the guys at the parts store Why not use some of the multitude of options for updating your I-beam (Chassis Engineering, et al)? Or if you must have IFS, one of the Mustang II kits will at least be the right width. -Dave
Done right and a rear steer it'll ride and handle great. Down side would be width unless you narrow the a-arms or buy the aftermarket narrowed ones it might be a little on the wide side. Definitely would be wide if you used a front steer plus you have to work around having the box in front. I've got a rear steer Nova on my 41 and run a-arms narrowed an 1 1/2"
Only the 75-up Novas have front mounted steering boxes, the 68-74 have the box in the rear where it belongs. Only the very early Camaros have the rear steer as well.
78 to 85 g bodies [cutless,mt. carlo ,regal etc] work great. not 2 wide, just cut and weld 4 a good cheap ride
I have the same project going but I have decided to go with a MII set up in mine. My frame has already been clipped with a front steer Camaro, but I don't like the problems with working around the steering box. I have already found another frame to start over with. If you want this frame, it's yours for picking it up in Dallas area.