Big Daddy & Rob Coltrane go play with a Hemi in the garage..... I love the grin on Garlits face when the rig starts howling! Enjoy!
Damm...thats years old, it was from a UK TV show that Robbie Coltrane did...can't remember the name, but it was pretty cool....
it was from a really old show called coltranes planes and automobiles....that episode was all about the V8 engine, started with him driving around in flatty powered deuce and ended with the hemi powered air raid siren you see there..... the whole series was brilliant monkey
Thats the one....I remember Coltrane in a Cadillac, but couldn't remember the name of this one, cheers Tim
This brought the series up, it will be fun to watch, thanks.
Thanks Tool - Lots of fun. As a post WWII child, those "duck and cover" shots bring back a lot of memories. Even then, we realized the whole exercise was totally futile if the "big one" ever went off in our neighborhood. Garlits gets a lot of flak these days (and some is probably deserved) for various occurances in his past, as well as some personal "issues" with people, but it's obvious to anyone who has taken time to learn about him that he's a very bright fellow with a wide variety of interests outside drag racing. Also, he has a great sense of humor - something that can't be said for all of drag racing's "heroes". He is a class act indeed.
thats really cool, think any tooner motors would fire up that easy after sitting that long? i bet not!
That was so cool. Don is really a great Guy I have met him in person a few times myself and I even have a Tee shirt I made with my 64SS chevyII on it he signed for me some years back. Great man.
Man, I thought the old fender-mount fire engine siren I have was cool! That thing is crazy cool. I think we all should have one of those to aim at our pesky neighbors, you know the ones, the ones with teens who insist on tweekying their stereos at midnight... That would stop that right now. Vance
I remember those going off around noon everyday in New York when i was a kid in the 60's. It was on the roof of a public school i think. I guess they ran them to keep them operational. I never realized they were automotive motors, let alone a Hemi
That video was awesome. Anytime I am anywhere near Florida I stop in at his museum. Everytime I go through there it's like it's my first time there. I always sit back and wonder what he has stashed away in storage, that's what I'd like to see. What I dind great about Garlits is that he was an inovator, and he does things his way. His cars were built to perform, if there was something that didn't "need" to be on them (like chrome), it wasn't on them.
Way cool. Ryan, how about offering Mr. Garlits a lifetime alliance membership. God the things we could learn from that man. One of the coolest storys I recall was how he pulled the Hemi out of his tow car and put it in his Rail after blowing up the flathead. The rest is history.