Hi guys, looking for a measurement on an original 1934 Ford frame. I want the hole position for the inner fender from the front horn. Once I have the inner fender position I can make sure the body is in the right place. I am using a repro frame that does not have these measurements. Cheers...
i have a stock 34 frame, ok so you want from the hole in the horn to the first bolt hole for the inner fender? ok i added a pic
Okay thanks Budd, I want the measurement from the outside of the frame, ( left of the first hole on horn) to top third hole and forth hole near the top.Measuring left to right. Thanks Budd
arnz the wescott diagram shows where the body needs to be bolted on. the hole on the diagram that is 28 1/4 back from the centre of the front x-member and 14 13/16 in from the centre of the chassis is where the cowl bolts into. then the next hole will be the bolt at the front front of the rocker panel, the next hole the rear of the rocker panel and so on.
Here you go,I don,t know if this will be clear enough if not let me have your email and I,ll try and send it .
ok so the third hole is 11" from the end of the frame and the distance between the two holes is 2-7/16", both holes are 7/8" down from the top of the frame, hope this is the measurements you need, if you have a good cowl i need a few pics of the bottom where it mounts to the frame.
Hey Guys: Let me know if you need any more information on the 34 frame -- have a complete stock rolling chassis in my workshop (mint shape), with a 34 five window body bolted to it. I can take digital pictures and "edit" them with whatever dimensions you guys need. Let me know . . . PM me. Dale
See my other post-- let me know what you need. I still have my body on the original frame (with stock firewall removed). Dale
Thanks for all that, it is just what I want, I will post some pics later today to show what I am doing cheers...
Thanks everybody,got all measurements I want, was out by 3/4 inch so will have to move the body back a little. Probably won't matter that much as I am not running fenders.