What the fuck? Sitting around looking/talking cars is too boring? If somebody thinks this then they are a fucking scenester! Oh I'm sorry, I need music, provided food, plastic trophies, and other entertainment because the cars just aren't interesting enough. Seriously, what the fuck?!? I'd be fucking awesome to chill out with like-minded folks, grill some steaks, drink a few beers, and enjoy all the hard work and craftsmenship. Nailhead, I think your idea is fucking great! If I was closer I'd fucking come too.
What does it cost to go to billetproof? I would think the people putting on the shows have to "rent" the park, mall parking lot or whatever spot their "show" is held. I attended a show last Saturday where the proceeds went to charity.Various shows must provide liability insurance, permits and other expenditures.......Just don't go, they'll probably not miss you anyway.
Luckydevil Jim puts on a great one at Dragway 42 (remember 42?) Vintage drags lots of bands Called "Rock and Race" July 20-22 (that's 3 days) I have never been to a cruise-in that charged admission in NE Ohio. If it is a show that is different, It cost to put them together, but to pay to park in a lot is Bullshit! Dave
Hey Bob. I agree to some extent. When my club did our car show every year - 100% of the proceeds went to the local tech school for a kid scholarship. We charged only $5 per car and spectators were $1. Luckily we did have stuff going on where it wasn the'sit in the parking lot waiting for trophies' type of show(it ran more a cruise night time from 3-8pm)but we charged to raise funds for something that wasnt getting enough funds on its own. I agree with shows that raise $ for charity from the event- I dont agree with the local show or cruise that shoves the bucket in your face at the door to drop $1-5 or even up to$20 for the show without letting me know where my $ is going. Its not a business - its supposed to be for fun. One of the many reasons I became involved with the Right Coast was because they donate a ton of $$$ to charities from the proceeds of their shows. PLUS for under $40 you get an entire weekend of show and not just parking lot based vehicles- there are usually evening events and great vendors etc. Also- if you built your car for the 'privilege of others to see it' maybe you build it for the wrong reasons. I build the cars because I love cars and if someone else wants to join in my fun, they can come along for the ride. Car shows are to be able to get a bunch of us crazy nuts all in one place to see what we love...
Didn't realize the number of posts one has made affects the validity of an opinion. Don't take it so personally, I didn't mean to kick your dawg.
How could I take it personally. I don't know you, so I certainly wouldn't think your rant was directed at me. But I just think your post shows that you are ignorant as to what it takes to put on a car show. If you don't like car shows, don't go. My club puts on a faily big car show every year, here in Austin. And drag races in the Fall. Even when the car show was way smaller, there's no way it could have happened without charging the car owners. If you really are worried about getting fingerprints on your car, and not getting a plaque, then maybe all car shows aren't for you. The indoor shows allow you to rope off your car so nobody will get too close to it. Don't know about the plaque though. And yes, you can get cars together without food, porto johns, bands, an official venue, etc. But that's not really a car show, it's a cruise night. My comment about your post count was because I thought it was weird that you seemed to seek out a message board to vent to people you've never had any contact with before. Most of the time people's first post or two are questions they have about building their car. No worries. Hopefully you can hang out around here to teach and learn. P.S. Kick my dog and you will have a serious bleeding problem.
This show was pretty sweet. They closed down the street and everything when they heard all the customs and hot rods were gonna be there.
So Brad54, if you were a music concert promoter, you would have exactly the same kinds of costs (venue rental, port-a-potties, insurance, advertising, etc., etc.). So why is it that the bands would get paid for a concert, either directly or as a percentage of the gate, but at a car show the car owners are expected to pay to appear?
because no one would come to a car show as a spectator if they had to pay $30-$60 a shot for tickets. Old cars are cool, but Lynyrd Skynyrd, they ain't.
Here is my take. I remember when my area had maybe 1 or 2 car shows per year back in the 70's. Todays there are 2 every wekend. I would gladly give $10 per show to be able to at least see hot rods groups together than go back to the days of lack of shows when I was a kid. Also you guys hitting shows with your cars don't know how lucky you have it. I know several people that are going through tough economic times and don't have a car at all and if they did they would give their eyeteeth to plunk down "only" $10 to see and participate in a car show-than go to the show just to spectate and kick sand.
I read all the posts, and have walked most of the lines of putting on shows, spectating at shows, taking cars/trucks to shows. done the cruise nights etc. I am pretty bored of seeing the same old stuff, so I hit one or two shows a year with a car. I go see a few, but just walk around see the sights, BS a little a split. There is a show in Portland that has about 600 cars, and is free. It's early in the year- May. Costs not a penny for spectators, or car owners. There are a few awards, but just special accolades to a few that deserve such. The give ya cookies and coffee, hats, some goodies, and there are cars that show up there ya never see any other time of the year. Really nice stuff overall. It's called/at Portland Transmission. The businesses around are pretty cool to it, and they open a little late that day, no big, mostly an industrial area anyhow. Starts about 7 am, it's done by 11 or so. Perfect - plenty of time to go cruise, mow, play or whatever. Goodguys Puyallup is the other I go to every year. Like 'em or hate 'em, ya gotta give Gary credit. The venue is awesome, the bands super, the cars are great, and the people - well - it's the main reason I go, next to the cars. It's an awesome social event, and the best stuff shows up. A lot of us are friends that meet this once a year, and maybe only contact via email or the HAMB or such. Some nice awards if that's what you are into, and lots of magazine types there snooping for the next feature if that's what you are about as well. YES - it's expensive if you aren't a member, but join, and you get the Gazette every month - an awesome mag that KIRK! edits. It's pretty cheap comparatively if you prereg, being a member saves you on other GG events through the year if you hit 'em. Now here's what I do. I camp out back of the fairgrounds, no motel - saves a ton. Lots of Goodguys events have camping. I bring a BIG cooler, and Safeway is two blocks down for ice and beverages. There is a nice AND lower buck restaurant across the street from the fairgrounds. Taco Bell, and Jack in the box within a block. I bring enough food for some sandwiches etc, saves a bundle over fairgrounds food. There is a free dinner Thursday night, and Amocat hosts a good party Friday night. Showers are free in the fairgrounds. Hell who can sleep when cars are running all night. I can sleep when I get home Sunday night. Cars start in at about 6 am, cruising til at least 11pm, good bs'ing and parties in the campground til two or 3! Drags at SIR and such too. So...... figure 50 bucks for 4 days - plus a bit for food, and heck ya gas and stuff - old friends and new, great rides and good fun, figure it out - it beats paying 20 scoots to sit in a parking lot for a day or an evening and see who's got the shiniest oil pan. Yes Goodguys makes money, but they spend a shiteload too to put the gig on, and as I said before - some of the cars that show up there are some of the coolest around. It's a business for gosh sake - not a non-profit organization. BUT if you go there with a plan, and a GOOD attitude, you can pull a whole lot out of it. Make it work for you, plan a bit, it can be fun. Other than that, I stay home, and work on my stuff , play with the kids 'n cars and work so I can afford the big show next year!!! That's stuff here and in Washington, but I bet if you look - there's stuff like it close by you. Just support what ya dig, and do what you like. Me? I am gona have fun with it, or it's time to start buildin' hot rod bicycles, or collect stamps or something. IF IT AIN'T FUN - DON'T DO IT!!!! I know - pick me apart - tear me up, but that's my two cents to add to the rant. See ya in Puyallup!! I will be in a light metallic blue n white '31 A Roadster mid 60's style, and my buddy from Australia will be cruisin around in the Black Bomber '31 A Coupe. Say hey if you see me!! Tim
dam lighten up guy`s ! let`s not have a dog kicking here,buzzards little dog wizzel sticks! would fly pretty far but that just ain't right. and bleeding hambers are just going to screw up keyboards? fingerprints ? I only worry about that when robbing liquor stores. I like swap meet`s better than car shows, but they suck allso, and don`t even get me started on that race?