Well I went to the GNRS in January and know it's doable. I've got my single 4 barrel intake and and have the ignition with out computer figured out. Looks like steering shaft and exhaust will be a real challenge. Anybody else trying to build a '32 highboy with one?
i 'm building one looks cooll i cant seem to post pic it said file was to big and i'm to stupid to figure it out
as bad ass as the Ford Mod motors are, and as good as they look with those huge valve covers...they don't belong in an early Ford I love mine in my 98 Mustang though...but that's not for this board
maybe not hamb-friendly but no different than a LT1/LS1/LS2 etc as far as "belonging" in an early ford. but I know for a fact I would rather see the cammer motor in there than the belly button chevy motor
I have a full fendered, shiney black '32 roadster. I think the motor that appears to be a '57 Corvette 270 horse looks right in that car. I am building an unchopped 3w with the intention of driving it lots. The 4.6 will resemble an old hemi. It should look right with a Cad air cleaner, 4BBL, huge valve covers bulging from under the hood top only. Light weight, uncommon, descent gas mileage, plenty of suds, and I like it. Just ask 32v.
Maybe true, but the Mod motors don't even have a distributor. Yes they look kinda like Hemis or 427 Cammers...but they're not. We don't discuss LT1/LS1/LS2 swaps here, and Mod motors are right there with em. GM makes carbureted LS1s and LS2s, does Ford or someone else offer a carburetor inake for a Mod? Either way it you need to run a coil pack ignition or somehow rig up a crank-driven distributor Awesome motors? yes, but not for here
32 V and I are swaping ideas. Here are 2 pics of his project. I only have 2 belly buttons, one naval & one SBC. I think 32V only has the one.
That's awful close to sayin' throwing a set of fauxmobile valve covers with wire looms on a SBC is wrong, too. We got guys who hide discs behind backing plates; guys who hang T56's under AV8's, and guys who bolt up Hilborn EFI's to flatties....How is using one of the only hemispherical head Ford motors made 'wrong' - especially if it's done up to look like a vintage engine? by extension - is it 'wrong' to make a later flattie 'look' like an earlier flattie?
Looks good to me, maybe a little to shiney for my personal taste, but I see what your trying to do... Rock on with it...
its not a hemi, its got a pentroof chamber....big block bulk, 6cyl cubes, just what the doctor ordered
I see what you're getting at, and I understand where you're coming from. I think some of your examples may be taking my thought to the extreme, but I see what you'e getting at. But it still doesn't rub me the right way. Sort of like that Toyota hemi that was in that neat little T bucket a while back. Like I said, I have a 98 Mustang with one of these, so maybe it's just that I mentally connotate Mods with Mustangs and Lightnings. Maybe it's that the first Mods were introducd in 1996 is what's throwing me off. Cool for sure, but just not for my old stuff. That's a cool 4 bbl intake, who makes that?
The intake is made by Sullivan. Unlike street rods, hot rods are an individuals personal version of his dream vehicle. Remember too, If you draw a time line on what belongs on here, some of you don't even exist.
Joe - I'm glad you see it thataway, man. I have both a full-race flattie and a DOHC; the flattie hasn't made it down the quarter (yet) but the 32V has - and they're nothing to sneeze at. Small cubes - but big inch ET's and traps. No - I don't have any inclination to hang one inna A frame, either...but if someone wants to build a rod with the fathead 'look', a 550# alloy block motor is a neat way to go! I *get* the idea that mod motors are associated with the mustang crowd, and agree with the sentiment. It's not for me - but I don't mind seein' one between the rails as long as it's done up inna trad style.
ok my 2 cense .. yes its not a flattie or a small block chev so it dosent look like all the rest of the sheep ..its a ford cammer mtr in a ford isnt that what hot rodding is all about ?? i think it looks cool and it will be reliable that is what i'm trying to build. the headers and intake are handmade along with a dozen other modifications and sometimes its ok to think outside of the box. it be pretty borying if everyone showed up with the same ride
Sounds like the "traditional" police are out again. Although this subject has been posted to ad nauseam, I'll interject my two cents. If you look back to the pre and immediate post WWII eras for your inspiration and ideas for building a "traditional" car, taking off the rose coloured glasses would reveal most (but by no means even close to being all) cars of that era to be crudely homebuilt, shoestring budget, mostly junkyard part sourced in origin, everyday driver, raced on the weekend vehicles, with only a smattering of commercially produced speed parts and most of them bolt on. That said, builders "back if the day" didn't hesitate to bolt in the newest and/or biggest engines/technology they could afford/understand if it might make them a little faster, and some would/could/did use the knowledge and education obtained during their WWII participation to grow parts from scratch for that matter. The father of a guy I used to work with has four 32 Ford hot rods (you can insert the appropriate envy here), a couple he built when he was but a young man and a couple he is currently working on. The current ones are employing the same fifties/early sixties technology and parts as the ones he built then. He's familiar with the technology, doesn't really want to learn anything new, and indeed has most all the parts laying around to finish them. And while there's absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, to slam a guy for wanting to build a car with his own hands using the newest parts/technology he can understand/afford/scrounge is like changing history to resemble your own perception of it. Most cars built today are actually too nice to resemble most cars built in that era and thought of as "traditional", and if you really wanted to be strictly traditional, you'd need to use 1948 as the cutoff for hot rods. Although it might offend those here that weren't actually around during the "traditional" era, hotrodded cars newer than that were thought of as "street machines", or whatever euphemism was popular at the time. They were definitely not considered hot rods, modified or not. Most hot rods (not to be confused with customs) built in that era were owner/friends built cars using recycled parts, not commercially built by a shop and that might be their greatest defining distinction. If a guy is building his car himself in his own garage, with mostly recycled parts, and his own ingenuity, I'd say that's pretty traditional.
I am putting a 2003 Cobra blower engine into a 51. Anyway check out Kar Kraft. Do a search as I am not sure of web address. They have a stand alone ignition box and an adapter to mount any SBF manifold onto a modular engine. Actually they sell complete crate engines with anything from 3x2's, webers, F.I, to tunnel ram 2x4's on a modular 4.6 or 5.4 engine. Honestly the prices are unbeatable for drop in engine. As for mod engines they are for shock value otherwise they are super heavy and large for HP except the Cobra set up which isn't the best either. But looks cool as hell.
pretty cool. i thought of putting a late hemi with a carb in my essex, but it seems like it would cost agood chunk to get it to run with a carb, that and im thinking i want to keep my hood.
Four barrel intakes are becoming available for the new (3G) HEMI. If you don't want to embrace the computerized coil on plug ignitions (although that's becoming more easily done all the time thanks to the aftermarket ignition people), putting a toothed set of pulleys and drive belt on would allow you to drive a conventional distributor mounted parallel to the crank at the front of the motor. Look up information and pictures on the small block Ford BXR ram manifold from a few years ago and the concept becomes easy to duplicate on anything.
i retained the coil on plug on my cobra mtr but ran the coil wires through blk vac tube so it looks like actual plug wires
Just because it's newer don't make it better. I have to work on a truck at work that has one of them in it. It spits a spark plug out every 30 days or so and there a bitch to fix with the cowl over half the motor and the threads 4'' down in holes. You can call me stuck in the past or whatever Car's that are built only in the spirit theme or loose style of somthing are lame and halfassed.