HI, Is there a good place to buy inexpensive coilover shocks?Need a pair of them for my 1927 2 door sedan,but they sure are expensive.thanks
define cheap i guess... i got a set of qa1's for under $250 complete... not a bad deal from speedway.
I just bought a set on ebay, They are for a racecar with eylets on both ends but I think they will be OK for my A sedan. I got them for 90 bones so I figured I would try them.
Coilover shocks are expensive because good ones cost a lot to manufacture. Now if you were to find some cheap ones what would that tell you about the quality of them? Ever heard this old saying: " There is hardly anything that someone can make that's a little less quality and sell a little bit cheaper. The person who shops on price alone is this man's willling prey." Kinda says it all doesn't it? Only the buyer will usually bitch and complain about the quality even after he has tried to squeeze the last penny on the purchase. Another saying along these lines is: "you only have to buy a quality part once" Stick around I've got a million of 'em Frank
Coil over's.... Yep they're expensive new. But as fab32 just said, you'll get what you paid for. I bought mine thru Speedway (since I can walk in) and I got the QA1's. I liked them because I can really fine tune them for my ride, 32 Coupe. But, if you look in the Speedway catalog, page 56 of issue #250, there is a suggested application chart. You will find that one size does not fit all, even if you buy those super duper used ones at the swap meet or on E@@. The shock length is different, as well as the coil rated spring rate. If, IMO. you go with the one size fits all, you might get a Bouncing Betty ride, or you might get a ride that'll make you think you're riding a hard tail Harley. Again, IMO, buying a used shock is really getting a pig in the poke. You have no idea of what springs you're getting, or what the condition of the shock is in. They're selling them for a reason!!!! Just because they have the threads for tightening or loosening the springs, that is not all there is to a coil spring. HellRaiser
Lindeblad automotive in northbrigde ,ma.508-234-8283!! complete setcoils , shocks & collars for $210!! quiality shit also.Everyone around here runs them.If you call him with your application he'll tell ya what length & spring rate you need. Great guy to deal with also.He advertises in R&C in the back JimV
I had a problem with him years ago. He kept telling me what i needed for my a sedan and they were too stiff! I finially ordered different springs direct from carrea and i fixed the problem my self. Oh ya i waited a month and he never shipped the lighter springs i wanted either.. Dave