I have searched here and the net a little - I am thinking about going with either a 4-71 or 6-71 on my 291. I will have to hand fabricate the intake, unless I purchase one that is not in production as of yet. I am leaning towards the 4-71. Anyone have info or link to info on a 4-71 Blower on a Desoto Hemi? I know there's tons of info on the 392's, but rarely info on the Desoto and Dodge Hemi. I have Tex Smith's Book and catalogs from Hot Heads, so I shouldn't need reference to them. Basically, I am looking into what type of drive did you use - snout length. What cam specifications? Will factory or repro cast 8:1 pistons work in a street blown application? Lastly, any multi-carb adaptors for Strombergs for these blowers?
here is an idea for you to try. I have had it on the road for a couple months now around 1500 miles with no problems. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=124409
Very cool idea - however, there are little to zero aluminum intakes for the low deck Desoto Hemi, from what I have found. Plus, the cast 4bbl's are so rare, I would hate to cut one. So, I will have the head and blower plates cut (water jet or lazer) out of 1/2" aluminum and will build a sheetmetal style intake for it. I will probably bead blast it afterward to keep it from looking too "new".
Look at page 68 Texas's book he states that the same tooling was used to make the tall deck dodge as the short deck DeSoto even shows a pjoto of the two manifolds. Why not locate one of those old Weiands for a tall deck Dodge (doesn't have to be in perfect condition as you will mill the top off) and redrill and mill it to make a blower manifold. Would be better than making a sheet Alum manifold.
I'll look into that more, but from what I have seen - there is basically no way that the 315/325 intake would work other than the port spacing is "similar". Bolt pattern is definately different and I believe the water ports are different on the Red Ram.
Johnny Edmunds in Fresno ran a 671 blown desoto way back when. You probably could get some info there if you could run him down.
www.lakeheaders.com is casting a 6-71 Blower intake for the low deck Desoto, as well as spacers for use on the high deck Desoto. I just wanted to be different and run a 4-71.
I spoke with Don Hampton about it a few years ago, and he said he'll sell ya one. It'd come as a complete "kit" with manifold, blower, pullies, idler, etc. and back then I think he said it'd set a fella back about $3500. http://www.hamptonblowers.com/ Like I say, that info is a few years old though.