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your longest trip??

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Rainer, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. Rainer
    Joined: Dec 8, 2002
    Posts: 159


    I read a the new smokin shutdown magazin - there is a nice article about several old style cars and questions to the owners - one of the questions was: what has been the longest trip ever you made with this car --- and that makes me wondering - the most ownes said about 150 to 400 miles one way --- that's not a lot --- -- my longest trips with the roadster last year were 900 miles to germany and about 700 to italy one way
    -----------witch was your longest trip???
  2. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    One trip in my '47 Chevy ragtop, May/June 2000, 21 days,
    Detroit, MI to San Berdo, CA to Panama City Beach, FL then back to Detroit. 6,400 miles
  3. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    The longest to date is roughly 600 mile's one way.
    I had a pretty much stock '66 Impala SS that i drove to the 'James Dean Run' in Indiana back in '95.
    That totaled around 1400 miles in 4 days.

    The next closest was last year, i drove my '33 pick up down to York Pa. total of around 800 miles in 4 days..

    Thats not all that much i guess..but the ride in the truck felt like 10,000 miles.
    Anyone one who has ridden in it with me would understand.
    It's channeled 9"..
    'cramped' is a good description

  4. 28rpu
    Joined: Mar 6, 2001
    Posts: 403


    800-900 miles 12-14 hours in a hot rod isn't too bad. I've done it many times. Make sure the ergonomics are right and you'll enjoy it.
  5. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    A person doesn't even have to ride in your truck to know it's a snug fit [​IMG] A look thru the window was all I needed

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  6. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
    Posts: 3,770

    Smokin Joe

    Idaho Falls, Idaho to Philadelphia, Penn and back in the old 73 Chevy pickup if that counts in 4 days. Took me about that long to get my gas pedal foot to stop hurting. I'm a believer in cruise control now.
    I make a few trips over 1100 miles each way in the Chevelle every year. I put about 350 on it just today and wound up right back where I started. [​IMG]
  7. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    I forgot all about that pic!! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    That give's a good idea.

    It's tight to say the least.. It honestly feels like your sitting on the floor in your house..

  8. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,332


    29 roadster in the winter from new orleans to colorado (dont ask) then to california,,,,,,, WORST 2 1/2 weeks of my LIFE,,,,
    ended up in the HOSPITAL and my passenger BAILED and took an airplane from COLORADO,,,,,,,,,, lost a guitar in a hotel room, car broke twice, had to call ROADSIDE fucking welder, and I ran over my FOOT and it almost BROKE,,,

    oh and I used a PIECE of CABLE for almost 200 miles with the GAS PEDAL fucking SPOON broke,,, so I used a MANUAL CABLE till I could find a BIKE shop to fix my PEDAL
  9. AnimalAin
    Joined: Jul 20, 2002
    Posts: 3,416


    A thousand miles in a day is a pretty good shot. I have done that a few times in my roadster.

    I went on an extended trip in 1997, about six weeks or so. Took in the LA Roadster's show, Americruise and the Street Rod Nationals, in addition to a bunch of other events. The west and east of the trip were the Pacific and Atlantic oceans near San Diego and Boston, respectively. About ten thousand miles on the car. Did I mention it was a BLAST?
  10. lakes modified
    Joined: Dec 2, 2001
    Posts: 1,283

    lakes modified
    Member Emeritus

    Two years ago,we took a trip to canada in our 48 merc.for 3 rod runs and the last stop was yellowstone before heading home. 3000 miles in 3 weeks. have done these trips many times in the merc.over the years.
  11. Gracie
    Joined: Apr 19, 2001
    Posts: 1,257


    Birmingham to Raleigh by way of the Blue Ridge Parkway... just 2 goofy girls in a beat up rusty ol 49 Ford, with a cooler and some fireworks headed for the Heavy Rebel Weekender... loads of fun let me tell you! AND did the whole trip with no overdrive.
  12. Hmmm... the longest trip I've taken was in '02. Coast-to-coast and back, about 6,400 miles in 3weeks. That included an Americruise, Speedweek, Vegas & Pasedena.
    Last year it was 2,700 miles in 4days out to Rocky & Grimlock hauling parts and back.

    If you enjoy driving your car a little, imagine how much fun it is to drive it A LOT!
  13. Boones
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 9,691

    from Kent, Wa
    1. Northwest HAMBers

    Over 3500 miles in 10 days. (had to stop for two car shows
    Went from Seattle to Spokane (for GG show) the on to Pleasant (GG show) and then across country to Charleston SC

    Planning to drive to PASO in a few weeks
  14. Bob K
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    Bob K
    Member Emeritus
    from Antigo Wi.

    47 Chev, Wisconsin to Bonneville, on to Pleasanton and back home, 5700 miles in 2 weeks all by myself. That was in 98 for the 50th B'ville. Gonna do it again this year in the 52 rag but from B'ville we are going northwest through Nevada, Orgeon, Washington, British Colombia, Alberta, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and Home to Wisconsin.
    Should be a blast, Me and Maggie in the chopped 52 rag and a bud and his wife in their newly built 49 Olds vert out of Iowa. Kind of an adventerous break in run, EH ??

    B [​IMG] B
  15. sawzall
    Joined: Jul 15, 2002
    Posts: 4,746


    last summer 6 weeks philly to pueblo to pomona (via grand canyon) north to puyullup washington then back to philly through yellowstone, mt rushmore, chicago etc.

    approx 10,000 miles pulling a camp trailer. it was great..

    then we decided to go to daytona over thanksgiving.. worst 1900 miles of my life. did it in 5 and a half days. I was cold for all 5 days..

    this summer... philly to St Paul for the back to the 50's 1100 miles one way.. in about 6 days + or -
  16. DRD WINS!

    Somwhere in Illinois....... already covered about 3,000 miles in the first week. Total trip was over 8,500 miles in less than four weeks. And to ensure it wasn't easy..... I was riding shotgun for most of the trip. Although to get this shot, I had to run alongside holding my camera to my eye. [​IMG]

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  17. zgears
    Joined: Nov 29, 2003
    Posts: 1,569


    i drove my junkyard 64 ford truck from portland OR to raleigh NC and back to portland
  18. A few days later, somehwre in Utah!

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  19. Typical DRD souvernir collection....

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  20. Don does travel a little further than your average rodder, like how many folks do you visit have a pet like this little gal, who seems to have taken a liking to DRD. [​IMG]

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  21. Boyd Who
    Joined: Nov 9, 2001
    Posts: 2,196

    Boyd Who

    My two longest trips were both in 2002, driving the chopped '48 Chevy p/u.
    Calgary to Winnipeg to Minneapolis (BTTFs) then home, around 3200 miles in 10 days.
    Then Fargoguy and I drove it the 1000 miles to Bonneville in August in 17 hours.

    Back in 1995 my wife and I drove our T-bucket 1500 miles in 9 days, hitting runs in Kalispell Montana and the 25th anniversary run in Yellowstone.
  22. Iceberg
    Joined: Jan 5, 2003
    Posts: 424


    Last week I went 200 miles round trip & thought I was going to need a kidney transplant along with back surgery. A flathead powered '35 pickup w/ stock running gear (3:78 rear end now......thank God!) & Coker WWs (non-radials) makes for tough long distance traveling. The way the hiways are maintained (not) in Oregon I now have a true appreciation for bump steer. While I was in the Navy I traveled accross country (coast to coast) four times driving my Suzuki Samurai. I love my '35 pickup, but I think she would have to be shipped before I would try that with her, unless I had lots of time to get there and recover!
  23. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


    Hey Carps, who was driving DRD's coupe in that picture? It kinda looks like Claude Raines [​IMG].
  24. av8
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,716


    Santa Rosa to Bonneville and return, 1300-plus miles, four times in a roadster. Santa Rosa to San Diego to Idylwild and return, 1400-plus miles in my roadster. Santa Rosa to Los Angeles and return, 980-plus miles, four times in a roadster, with a Burbank to Santa Rosa return trip of 420 miles in a Pacific Coast frog-drowner the entire distance. Damn, that was a great trip! [​IMG]
  25. I've driven my Buick to alot of places in the west--Moab a few times and to the Leadsled in Wichita in 2000. It is much more comfortable than a hot rod (I don't know how you hot rod guys do it--especially the chopped and channelled cars), but it is still running the old nailhead and Dyna-Flush tranny. I've put over 30,000 miles on it since I bought it in '99 and it sits all winter.

    My longest trip in it was last year to Paso. Went just over 3700 miles in about 10 days. Getting ready to do it again. I'm not sure if I'm taking the '62 or my Ford wagon this time. I guess it just depends on how much I get done to the wagon in about the next month or so. We'll see.
  26. Mojo
    Joined: Jul 23, 2002
    Posts: 1,872


    Me and a cousin took a spur of the moment trip from WV to FL once, about 950 miles. This was in a beat-ass 83 Caddy Seville (the ones with the funky back). This was a $400 car, we had just gotten the windows to roll up and down again, and I pulled the radio from my car to put in it so we'd have something to listen to.

    It was a fast trip, we made it in 12 hours, where it's typically 14, and we accidently went 200 miles the wrong way. It was a very comfortable car, easy to drive, and comfortable seats even though they were broken and locked into position.

    Drove it for a week down there, and on the way back it started over heating. We'd go for 200 miles and stop, then 100, then 50... until by the time we were back in WV, it would only run for 5 minutes before cooking over. It was 3am, we were both tired, and were gonna blow it up if that's what it took to get home. I figured the head gasket was blown (aluminum block with iron liners, complete junk design), but it turned out the radiator just needed flushed. Needless to say, my boy got his $400 worth out of her.

    Fun trip, I really enjoyed it.
  27. 286merc
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,793

    from Pelham, NH

    The longest in time and mileage has to be in 1975 in my old 35 Buick 2dr with a 390 Cad.
    From NH to Niagra Falls, and then a stop in Cleveland, down to experience Nashville and into the NSRA Nats in Memphis. The return took me to see my folks in Hendersonville, NC, then to the Outer Banks and then back home which included a trip up Broadway in NYC on a Sunday morning.
    This was with my wife and 5 & 2 year old sons.
    Time elapsed was 2 weeks, I have no idea of the mileage.
    The Buick performed without a hitch and that huge back seat area was a playground. Since trunk space was a minimum I outfitted with a flea market luggage rack (off a 30's Packard) and big steamer trunk.

    The 53 Vicky has made two 10 day trips to the Canadian Maritimes and the 68 Impala SS-396 ragtop has made similar 10-14 day trips including one entering at Niagra and continuing to Newfoundland.

    Since I include my family, large comfortable cars with plenty of trunk space are mandatory.

    My ultimate goal before I croak is a full USA tour in a 40-48 Cad 60S or limo with a 472/500. That would tow the 26T coupe which would rumble and lope into HAMB style meets.
    I'd have to hide the restorod Cad far away!
  28. LIMEY
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 1,987


    Did a fairly long trip about five yrs ago, borrowed an old Caddy in LA that hadn't been run for a few yrs, fixed it up a little & was dubious about even going as far as we planned
    as it still had no fuel gauge, temp guage, no heater & only half a dipstick.
    Headed out through Arizona...New Mexico...visiting Clovis then on to Lubbock, from there to Memphis & Nashville, heading back we stopped Columbia MO & decided a non stop run to Las Vegas in time for the all Harley Drags....22hrs & roughly 1600 miles later we made it, went to the drags & spent the next day in bed ill.......exhausted!!
    Finally back in LA 3wks & 6,000 miles later with no major faults, & that Caddy ran better after every mile we clocked up.
  29. BigChief
    Joined: Jan 14, 2003
    Posts: 2,084


    [ QUOTE ]
    I forgot all about that pic!! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    That give's a good idea.

    It's tight to say the least.. It honestly feels like your sitting on the floor in your house..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My left knee started to twitch and my ass went numb the minute I seen that pic....I remember that pic. Despite the packed tuna (or is that beefcake? [​IMG]) fit I'd ride shotgun anywhere in that truck.

  30. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    I rode my harley from norfolk Va. to Cali....solo in July...what a hot damn ride!
    My 55 f100 has done between 4-5000 miles in 3 weeks, going cali to Texas and back through Colorado and various other detours. Just did that for the Lonestar roundup. That truck probably has 70000 miles on it now.

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