Hey, Marq, Send me the full size pic to my email and i can prolly get it on here. Nick32vic@aol.com Nick
Nice looking truck!......good luck with the rest of the work on her.....hopefully she's on the road soon!
Hey, wheres the dent in the bottome of the door where it hits the front fender after the door check lets go??? Looks great marq!
Colour erm well i was thinking a real dark red sorta maroon if you like,it's a bit further on now like it's wired and starts n stuff.Those Ford English commercial lights are the real deal too and look awsome with the lenses in.I would just like to thank Nick for helping with the pictures too and when its finished i'll try to get some more done................Marq
The kick in the ass is about 7 inches although overall it's about 14 inches lower than standard the front hasnt been zedded so much as kinda stepped to give the look of a real deep channel,look carefully at the photo of the front and you will see what i mean..............Marq p.s at first it is'nt really apparent what has been done exactly but thats just how i wanted it people ask lots that way and it gives ya something to bullshit about at shows
Its a 35 ford p/u and yes i like the sentiment it's fucking kool,the idea was to go as eastcoast style as possible so no chop,i like it this way and theres bags of room inside the thing.I cant take it too low because of speed humps(sleeping policemen) and i don't really want to section that grill as i think they look odd so we are going to cant it forward a smidge,besides i love canted grills they make cars look better but i'm glad you all like it..........Marq
Looks like you have a great start on a cool pickup. However, it could use a fully dressed flathead! Send us some more pictures as your work progresses.
Flathead my arse it's getting a 392 hemi at the end of the year.This truck is late 50's style and the hemi will make it go like ............"$%£^**%"£$!%$^ ..........Marq
Ok i Want it photo shop painted please i want to see maroon but also try other colours too..........Marq
Marq, looks good! It has a really nice look without the chop.. Keep us updated on your progress. Rat..
Ya know your pictures are helping me, I just bought a "T"- truck and i'm bulding the frame and looking for ideas, because this is the first time i'm taking on a project I feel it's important to get ideas for the frame, I'll be doin'.. Thanx alot gives me a better idea of a frame makings....