I did, but I don't want to spend excessive amounts of dough on the truck, plus, I live in the largest, hottest city in America where you sit in traffic no matter where you go, no thanks. I dig flatties but....
I dig it! I always thought that it would be cool to put a spring over axle in one of those trucks, so you effectively move the front axle forward... then move the front fenders forward, drop the grille shell a bit... and they wouldn't look so nose heavy... Then again, they're bitchen stock! Sam.
Thanks for the encouraging words fellas, Jimmy, thanks. Sammy, I thought about pretty much just that. It already has, what looks like 33-4 passenger car fenders, setting the grille back a titch would be cool, but I think it would kill the "commercial" vibe it has. Plus, more work than I want to think about at this time. I've also thought of shortening the bed and frame about 4 inches between the cab and rear axle to compensate for the chop but dang! Besides, I think Squeeg's gang gave it a perfect chop along with the fact that it will be low enough to pull it off anyway.
Those are the stock fenders for it that you have in the pictures. You are correct, leaning that grille back would be a LOT of work if you plan to use the fenders. You are also correct that it would look good with the bed shortened, but it also looks good like it is. I have a 36 Grille in good shape (almost perfect) I can sell ya if you want to switch from the horizontal grille bars to smaller wertice grille bars. But, honestly, I wouldnt do it if your grille is good. Good Score man, I like the Chop!
Already chopped & channeled...great start for a new project! Gotta have some KH wires on hand when a change is "needed". Didn't the truck have a flattie? I seem to remember one between the rails, when I stoppd by Squeeg's, last time in Phoenix.
I'll keep it in mind! I have a grill but it has been customized. The surround is the same but it has been tunneled in a bit along with a center bar down the center, it was done very well. Looks kinda like a big Anglia grille. Not too commercial looking which is what I really want! Yep, the flattie, the dirt track tires the trans, the banjo rear and wires go back to duggy for his A pickup project. I've got the parts to replace them.
Way to go Jimmy. Chopped a little more than mine, looks good. Do you have the hood? I have some pics and info on converting the grille to '36 if interested. Looked good on that truck but it seems to stand a little more vertical than the 37 grille. Keep me up to date.
Not like you need another opinion, but... If you're gonna go messin' around with the grille, I think the '35 is the best looking one of that series. Followed by a stock '37, with a '36 (too thick) last. Have you seen the sectioned '37 that Valley Custom built back in the day, with the big air horn on the roof and cut-down Model A wires? Very interesting truck; I wonder what became of it.
Yeah, I do remember seeing pics of that. Probably buried underneath boxes of stuff in someone's garage somewhere.... I'm leaning towards the stock '37 piece, but if I find a nice 35 or even 36, I might consider it. I'm thinking that I'll shorten this bed at the rear (within the character lines), for now, and when I can afford it, I'll get the repro'd 35-6 bed sides. Roothawg hipped me to the fact that they are shorter at the rear which would suit this chop fine.
Rikster has it covered (of course)! http://public.fotki.com/Rikster/11_...stom_cars/valley_customs-1/37_sectioned_ford/
That truck is SO NOT ME, but, I'll be damned if that is not a very cleanly executed custom. Then again, out of that shop, it should be. What kind of wires are those? Borrani? Does look like Ford centers, but the the hub and hoop look to be aluminum. Just the picture?
Here we go Jeem. The conversion looked pretty good on this truck, the rest of the truck body was stock. The 36 grill looks to stand up more vertical than the 37 grille. Youll need the grille and inner fender panels. The 36 inner panels look to be hidden so maybe you could get by with none. The 37 panels are visible, small triangular are at the bottom front where hood, grille and fender meet. They used the 37 hood, fits stock at the cowl and was trimmed at the grille to fit. Might be a little hard to see but you can see from the grille hood gap at the vents that the grille is more vertical. A couple shoots of mine for comparison. Should give you an idea how much was trimmed off the hood and the grille angle. Thats it. Up to you now.
Magazine article back when said they were cut-down model A, and the hubs make that pretty clear. The hoops, obviously, are from something later/wider/smaller. I think they were just painted silver. I always thought they looked pretty neat, and I can only remember one other car that used similar wheels.
Haha. You are only making me think I need to hold out for the '37 grille, always liked those a bit more. But like Tony said, the '36 grille is the least attractive (paraphrasing here). I like that weathered '37 truck plenty, but, given a choice, I'd rather go with the '37 grille. I'm running the one I have until I can pop for a nice unmolested '37.