That car was indeed fucking cool. I loved the welded up doors, it was like a big old tub. I think it would look great in shiny paint, maybe light green or blue. Damn cool car anyway.
Well it inspired an idea that I'd like to do for "Dream Car" in R&C, but I want to acknowledge the owner/builder in my write up.KK
So someone has to know this Kat's name, Or if you're a fellow hamber you can email me direct. I'll show you what I came up with, It's different, but I never would have came up with it without you bitchen ride. KK
I'd love to but if R&C is paying the tab it's their property til it's published. I'm waiting for Riz to give me the go. If they don't pick it up I'll just post it.KK
I believe the car used to be blue. What's up with the windshield? The vent windows have been elimanated, and it looks like the windshield may be set on an rake.
[ QUOTE ] Sure would be cool to see some more pics of it! Anyone? Anyone? [/ QUOTE ] I forgot my freaking camera.... I'm still kickin myself over that one!
pretty sure i have some pics of this ride... but... need to get the film developed, and rip some video
[ QUOTE ] I'd love to but if R&C is paying the tab it's their property til it's published. I'm waiting for Riz to give me the go. If they don't pick it up I'll just post it.KK [/ QUOTE ] Crap it all, and I was hopeing dishonesty would work out for me. I'll wait for the Rag I guess. Its always the first place I turn to anyway.
Damn! I really dig the idea and creativity behind this car. Kind of amazed it ended up with red for the accent color, though. Seems like some sorta persimmon or burnt orange woulda made it look really swanky.
That was a very cool Ford. I checked it out and couldn't find any provisions in the front suspension to bring it up to driving height. Anybody figure it out or notice something I missed? Dan
If anyone can come up with a pic of the plate I can run it. I got a pic of the car too but it's a side shot, no plate.
KK-- That thing belongs to photographer Dan Gilday, buddy: Jay Stock Simi Valley, Ca Hope it helps and keep me posted... Stoner GARAGE magazine
KK-- Were you able to contact Jay yet? Lemme know if you can't reach him and I'll help you out... Stoner
we parked mext to those guys and bullshited all weekend. never got a name though.... we just called 'em WEST COAST. that thing was pretty neat, the guys were cool too, save for all the newcastle bottles they left all over our wagon and her parking space. i'll see if any of the other guys got their names. david
hey retrofire i didn't know you where a HAMBer. i was talking to you when you were snapping some shots of my buddys black Rivera. you said your brother had one. you gave me your card and i mentioned i was opening a shop soon called Black Widow Kustoms. what a small world.
I just got your info tonight I don't think he'd like me calling him at 11:00 PM, I'll give him a ring tomorrow I hope you're right. I still haven't heard back from Riz so it may be a mute point, but I appreciate the help .KK
[ QUOTE ] hey retrofire i didn't know you where a HAMBer. i was talking to you when you were snapping some shots of my buddys black Rivera. you said your brother had one. you gave me your card and i mentioned i was opening a shop soon called Black Widow Kustoms. what a small world. [/ QUOTE ] I didn't know you were a hamber either. Well that's kool. I haven't shown my brother the pics yet, I'll see him this weekend so I'll clue him in.KK
Cool car...I knew I'd seen the molded door '60s car look before. I liked this one in the Car Craft May 2000 issue. Complete it with the Bellflower look...