The more I use and read threw the For Sale section I'v notice alot of HAMBer's are looking for a good trade.Either looking to trade there item or item's for some thing they can use.Not only the seller but as well as the buyer looking to find that certain trade if possible? I myself like to trade here and there but I pay $ for the thing's I can't trade for.I think if there were to be a Trade Section and the two Individuals agree on the shipping I think the transaction's can work? I don't know how the rest of you HAMBer's feel but that's what I was thinking...
there used to be, is it gone? it's the wanted section, you just have to put WTT (want to trade) only..
I wouldn't mind sub sections for the area of the country you're in. There are so many ads and no way to search for local items/vehicles.
Trades only located in the "Wanted" section. No way of breaking down locations sub section at this time. Has been discussed with Ryan previously but thats the current situation. Thanks, Cob Classified Moderator
Ditto what Cob said, the only way we could break it down by state or region would be to have seperate categories for each and count on people to put their ad in the right category. We have a hard enough with people putting ads in the wrong category already. Plus, it seems a lot of people use "trade" as a guise to fish for the highest bidder. That's not what this place is about.
Im with wild thing, I would love a trade section. I always have alot of stuff leftover from other projects and would love to trade it off for stuff I can use on the current project. I would also love the local section. Its not worth it for me to look through 50 ads that are all from california. Cant afford the gas to go get it if you know what I mean. So I just dont look at all.