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Primered (Rat Rod) unfinished look whatever you call it Rant

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Cadillacin Marcus, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,473

    from Zoar, Ohio

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey Petejoe, your link is NFG.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Sorry, fixed it....... Yea I think I'd rather read a tech post too.
  2. Iceberg
    Joined: Jan 5, 2003
    Posts: 424


    I was not even a gleem in my Dad's eyes in 1959. Drive what you want to drive and build it however you want. What are we now.....standards for traditional rod building enforcement police?
  3. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    [ QUOTE ]
    this pre49 hotrod crap is my pet peeve. no one invented hot rodding. one of the baddest hot rods i had was a 54 chevy ht with and a srtaight axle big block 4 speed. restorods are not hotrods, restored cars are not hotrods. it's changing it up that makes it a hotrod. at the moment i'm looking for a 50 fastback olds or chevy and if you say it aint a hot rod i'll blow your doors off

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whose quote is this? For the life of me I cannot find it in the previous posts?
  4. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    I hope so too. I seem to remember him talking about "Rat Rodding" up some damn 60's car he bought. Fuck 'em all, do what you wanna do....
  5. Fraz
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,818

    from Dixon, MO

    Bite me. My 60 Buff is "rat rodded" because

    A) Original paint was bad. Primer's cheap.
    B) It needs rust repair and bodywork.
    C) I'm self-employed aka BROKE.

    You don't like it? Give me the $$$ to fix it. I'll make it super straight and have the glossiest paint this side of the Rockies. Otherwise keep your mouth shut.
  6. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,473

    from Zoar, Ohio

    [ QUOTE ]
    Whose quote is this? For the life of me I cannot find it in the previous posts?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No you misunderstood... It is on the forum
  7. plan9
    Joined: Jun 3, 2003
    Posts: 4,082


  8. Jester
    Joined: Nov 4, 2003
    Posts: 961

    from Blevins AR

    1. Primer is cheap and I need cheap.
    2. I'm more concerned with being able to drive my car rather than park it because I'm affaid to rock chip my over priced paint job.
    3. Its mine and I like primer so fuck it.
    4. I can change from scallops to flames to pinstriping to flames again for $23.50 if I so choose.
    5. If you don't like it don't look at it
    6. Marcus makes a post and then goes ha ha I didn't mean it really I was just kidding....uhh sorry I didn't mean that I don't like it I was just joking......yeah primer is cool if its done right...blah blah gay gay.

    Just for that I'll paint my wifes neon red oxide just for you Marcus.
  9. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    [ QUOTE ]
    You don't like it? Give me the $$$ to fix it. I'll make it super straight and have the glossiest paint this side of the Rockies. Otherwise keep your mouth shut.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's not talking about this scenario.
    He's talking about the guy who primers the car on purpose as a final finish not as a step in the progress before being able to maybe some day affording paint.
    Like you stated.

    He's talking about fools or jokers like me who paint '88 Astro Vans flat black and drive around town with Caddy Eldo fake wire wheel hubcaps and actually get COPIED by other Astro owners!

    But I wonder about the strain of reasoning when this is coming from a person who has planned on turning a heavier than the USS Missouri '64 Buick into a "gasser" look alike.
    Probably painted baby shit yellow and red with a bunch of fake sponsors names painted on it....
    That's equally as preposterous as the "Hotrod primer" on a 60 Caddy.

    But keep on thinking and writing Marcus... It keeps people queastioning what they're doing, and that can't do anything other than help people develop better quality hotrods and customs.
  10. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    [ QUOTE ]

    Just for that I'll paint my wifes neon red oxide just for you Marcus.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's not a Neon, that's a first gen PT Cruiser, my wife has one as well. I dig the first body style alot more. And why don't the PT guys waive at us when we're in it? It hurts my feelings.... [​IMG]
  11. mercury Bill
    Joined: Dec 16, 2002
    Posts: 581

    mercury Bill

    My merc is primered right now and will be for at least two more years. Reason, I dont want any cracks in the filler under a candy paint So when im completely finished with the body work, I plan to drive it for a year just to see what happens to the filler and other stuff. I average 20000 miles a year on the merc that should be a good test dont you all agree.
  12. Bad55Gasser
    Joined: Apr 13, 2004
    Posts: 27

    from Illinois

    not that it matters but I hat the term rat me the 50-60's and even 70's style cars are HOT RODS!!!!!.BTW my 55 gasser is flat black and nO IT IS NOT PRIMERED ITS PAINT!!!...and I painted it this way because I LIKED it ......isn't that why everyone builds what they do??......if ya wanna try and please someone else before yourself buy a boyd car......ERIK
  13. Deyomatic
    Joined: Apr 17, 2002
    Posts: 3,293

    from CT

    Petejoe, I'm confused too, once you hit that page you go to "discussion forums" then which forum is it in?
  14. timebandit
    Joined: Feb 13, 2003
    Posts: 188

    from Norway

    Whats this drama about? I thought Hot Rodding was about creativity and havin fun. Its right to be traditional, but I find it quite boring if everybody build after the same reciept. You know, 32 hiboy, with all the correct period brand do dah`s. Much more fun using odd parts and mixin styles if you can make it look right. You might end up starting a new trend if you are good. Kinda like Zero Choppers. They look trad, but nobody actually built bikes that way back in the days.
  15. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,473

    from Zoar, Ohio

    Well Deyomatic.... After responding to the post regarding pet peeves in the streetrodder forum. It seems that they have kicked me out of the forum????????????????????
    Don't really know why. My response was rather forceful but not disrespectful. [​IMG]
    I can't go directly to the forum or post any longer. I know it is still posted because other people on the forum are responding to it and I am receiving email notifications of the response. I guess I pissed someone off real good! [​IMG]
    too bad.. what really gets me is they didn't give me a chance to respond to their comments.
    It can be found in the forum under the post thats titled Pet peeve. Maybe try the search function there.
    when you find it please post the direct link here.
  16. KCsledz
    Joined: Jun 19, 2003
    Posts: 2,333


    Barris slung alot of tinted primer on the rides of Socal back in the late 50's and early 60's but if you wanted trad 50's & 60's I would go the route of a cheap ass gloss with some wild scallops or panels on the top.
  17. Deyomatic
    Joined: Apr 17, 2002
    Posts: 3,293

    from CT

  18. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    This issue always comes up and most times nothing gets resolved but for the record I think primer is fine on anything as long as you are doing it right.

    Black primer and white walls on a 66 Galaxy - barf!

    Black primer and Cragars with blackwalls on a 66 Galaxy - cool!

    This of course is assuming no major customizing has been done. If the same 66 Galaxy has had a top swap or chop and frenched shaved etc. You might get away with the white walls and primer.

    It comes down to taste and some people have a good sense of taste some have bad....
  19. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,473

    from Zoar, Ohio

    Well, I was able to access your link.
    37fordguy has totally changed his initial post after my response. I wish I had copied it.What a fuckin yellow belly.
    Now it looks as if I am targeting him.
  20. Deyomatic
    Joined: Apr 17, 2002
    Posts: 3,293

    from CT

    You are right Pete, it doesn't sound like you said anything out of line. It isn't worth it to join that forum and talk about the cars with painted bumpers, graphics, billet wheels, tinted windows, tweed interiors, and just how tacky they are.
  21. FrameDragger
    Joined: Sep 5, 2002
    Posts: 475


    I can't imagine why Marcus ever gets crap here...

    My '56:


    Attached Files:

  22. HAHA! You guys go to a "street rodder" board. HAHA! [​IMG]
  23. plan9
    Joined: Jun 3, 2003
    Posts: 4,082


    im going to dip my car in gold...

    next ill chrome my balls and hang them on my triple gold plated mirror.
  24. Marcus, would all 7 of you please shut the hell up!
  25. tanker1
    Joined: Apr 18, 2004
    Posts: 24

    from OK

    I don't know anything, and my opinion means dink. Basicly build and drive what turns you on and don't worry about a classification. In the late 50s and early 60s what hot rodding meant to me was an altered car modified to run faster, then there were the custom body work jobs. Most of our cars were old because they were cheap to buy, simple to modify and simple to work on by kids. The key was individuality. You wanted something different that was fun and had your personal mark on it, not another clone of the stockers, and dare not clone another rod! Another key was doing it yourself. Having something like a Boyd custom job did not make you a hot rodder, and the car might not be considered a real hot rod eather! The old Fords were used because, one they were popular, two they were cheap, three they were everywhere, and four we had such a wide range of years for interchanging parts on the 48 and back models. Almost always a collection of FoMoCo stuff. Guys would walk right past a nice 40 Chevy to get to a beat up 40 Ford. A hot rod could be a stripped down jolopy or hoopy, or a high dollar performance machine with a great paint job. Let me say again, cheap was our word. No way could we do the slick high dollar California rod scene. Primer was cheap and accepable on a rod. Hell, I even tried to painted an old 41 Ford with a brush to get it all one color. Dozens of clone primered shoebox Fords appeared after the Thunder Road movie, yeah they were ok, but clones. Between 60 and 63 I owned a 37, two 39s and a 40. The 40 was in the best shape and cost me 125.oo, the rest were 25 and 50 buck jobs. They were all rodded to some extent and they were all fun! Fun is another key word. I don't remember the term rat rod applied to a group of cars back then, rat rod was sometimes used to reference rat motor cars. It was just hot rod, and it covered a wide range of modified cars.Maybe I was just too far away from the slick rod scene, and could only afford the beaters. Only slick rods usually hit the mags, not the bulk of the every day drivers. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, may be times have changed, but I still love the old Ford hot rods!
  26. BTW Dr J the Buick isnt going to be a gasser that would be gay but interesting..its going to be a super stock car,and dont even tell me there wasnt any 60's Buicks on the track in the 60's!! racing in D/SA class...the car weighs 3924 lbs yes thats heavy,but not as heavy as most of the 50's tanks they dragged either.
  27. 52Chief
    Joined: Feb 10, 2004
    Posts: 590

    from San Diego

    My car is primer, it only cost me about $20 at Wal Mart. As soon as the body work is done, I want to paint it a nice seude, (I haven't finalized a color). I just like the satin look. I love the candies and the pearls too, but when I pictured my car in my head finished, it wasn't shiny, I don't know why, but it wasn't.

    My only rant is people who take their 80's car, paint it flat black and call it a "rat rod" and try to park it in pre-72, (or whatever), car shows. There's really no argument I can make other then it just rubs me the wrong way.

    But to each their own, if I don't like it, I don't look at it.
  28. 52 Chief, check your PM's
  29. 53Chebby
    Joined: Nov 2, 2001
    Posts: 195


    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm jusing having fun..i aint pissed ..its all good..just wanted to get a rise thats all...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's exactly why you are always getting shit Marcus. This isn't a soap opera and we don't need the drama.

    Getting back to the primer. My '53 is in primer and will be until this winter. This fall a buddy of mine is gonna' help me with the quarters and rockers and then we're gonna' paint it, but for the summer I'm gonna' work out the bugs with it. I've spent this winter putting in a tri-powered small block and getting the suspension set up.

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