A while back we took the cars out to El Mirage. It was the first freeway drive of the RED DOT II roadster. Instead of leaving in the cool morning, we drove through the hottest part of the day. Now we know where water is available along the 126 and 14! Anyway here are some shameless self-promotion pics, and even a video. this photo not by luke brown! I think a million pics have been taken in front of this sign. This is one of my favorites. Luke's got a crazy digi-camera so its worth waitin for him to do his thang! This picture has a good story. On the way back the 40 ran out of gas. While I got lost in the roadster finding a gas station, Luke had set up his camera. Cool accidental shot. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/cfOPYRweMKo"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/cfOPYRweMKo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> This is a revised version. Get ready for 4 minutes though. If you throw sand in your face and sit in front of a heat lamp its like your really there. ok bye TP
Oh I am so glad my volume was turned down or I wouldnt have been able to watch the whole video.. ha,ha the dead sucks!! YOUR CAR DOES NOT and neither does that video.. that is so rad, I wish I could go to el mirage one day..thx.. and sorry about the dead comment I am just speaking the truth..ha,ha,ha
Just curious about all the Japanese (I think) lettering and stuff. Is there a story behind it? That symbol looks like what a friend of mine had on his Shotokan gi.
Cool video but I think I would edit out the part where the quad blows by you like your sitting still.
Richfox - Yea, I didn't know Luke was shooting so much video until I downloaded into the computer. But if you figure Luke was shootin the movie with a pocket-camera while driving the 40 with one hand without looking it was worth leaving it in. I wish he had got the part when we went through the quicksand and almost got stuck! repoguy - A photographer friend ZAP came over to shoot some pics of my other roadster pickup. At the time the roadster was in the shop. Since he is fluent in Japanese, I had him translate a slew of things. After a couple beers, we figured what the hell and he penned them on the roadster. Kinda like a ZERO. The words in the white say RED DOT II, and the words in the red say PERICH BROTHERS. A cool thing is during WWII, it would have been custom to write the RED DOT II backwards for symmetry, so that is why one side is actually the opposite. The symbol is called a mitsutomo, its tattoo'd on my arms. (hey since '91) it means the three forces of destruction - fire, hurricane, earthquake - and the opposite - blood, water, air. Didn't think it was going to stay on this long but I like it so fuggit. salt & sarge - Its definitely an acquired taste, like hot sauce or mexican girls ( not kids geezus) , but if you just give them a chance, I'd bet you I could convert you - $50 let's go!! Zeke - yeah, 17apr71. This is the beginning to the craziest Good Lovin you'll ever hear. Unless you don't like stories about $1.25 hookers, pimps and gettin the clap! wassup D! these are some pics of the 40, wish I had fixed up that hood a little. photos by Summers photography. thanks guys for lookin and postin! TP
I like one or two of their mainstream songs. My old friends used to be into it. I went by the fairgrounds once when they were playing and had to leave right quick because I felt like I was on a bad trip just walking in the place. Part of the reason some people voice their differing opinions on the Dead is some Dead fans think others should like it. You can Paypal my $50 . Also, does this mean we'll be seeing you at El Mirage meets? Thanks, Kurt
hey sarge - sspu is cool too! the dead shows were kinda like todays car shows, but the stinky neo-hippies are the greasers with no cars. To me it was more about the music (then) and the cars! TP
The 40 and her both look great .... I wouldn't worry about the hood with a beautiful girl like that on it.
The above photos have a kinda funny story. Her friends husband DAN had asked to use the car, so of course I obliged. Well we drove up into the hills and they did their thing. A month or so later she asked again to use the car. So of course I obliged. I told my wife of those shots, (they were on the PINUPS post a while ago) So time goes by and one night my wife is all pissy. She had found the above shots on some MYSPACE account. I guess I hadn't told her about them whatever. Then of course there was another girl that was with the car too! When your married its easier to tell everything than to hide something that you think isn't a big deal cause it snowballs over time! TP
coo picsl zibo. hope to have my car at el mirage in november and get some cool pics like you got. billy
"When your married its easier to tell everything than to hide something that you think isn't a big deal cause it snowballs over time!" so true...
here are some pics with the insert. cellphone quality! It was well worth the couple nights of work. TP kmon hellmet let's race! salt - My wife makes it so good for me to work on these cars, especially when we have kids!
so is that nose all hand formed or made form what? thanks sko and by the way i like it and the whole car hell both it and 40
Alls I can say is RAd, it's like a fucken time warp!! I love the cliche of the Japanese rising sun on a true American Hot Rod...just fucken love it!!
I always wonder why poeple on those dry lakes don`t run air filters. Even thinking of driving arround in that sand hell with a expensive build racing engine scares the sh...t out of me. I had 2(!) big HD Truck Oilbath Filters on the 235 for that reason. Am I too picky and pussy to be cool? If you invest over $3000 in an engine you better are.
sko-ford - Its actually some fenders! There's some metalwork added though. Kutthroat - 90% of the car is prewar. '37 engine/radiator/rims, '39 tranny, '40 dash, '34 frontend, '37 steering box, model a rearend(for now) and an original body and frame. 32 pedals. 34 plymouth seats. The intake,coil, master cylinder are not repops either. The only concessions are the donor metal for the grille shell, some of the linkage heim joints, wiring, tires, brake lines, hoses, metal for windshield and crossmember etc. Since the axis weren't enemies til 1941, I figure its a coulda been. (at least its not an iron cross right) Stovebolt6 - the scoops are double screened, but going through that dustbowl I was wishing I had aircleaners. TP
Thats what I like about it!! If the Japanese had been allowed modern news media at the time, the young guys and gals sure and hell would have been building Hot Rods and terrorizing the streets of Tokyo well before the emphimis(?) "Fart Can" cars.....Love your Hot Rod!!