I have been reading the old posts around here lately on sbc tripower setups. I see a lot of them on ebay etc bringing huge money. I know they still make the intakes but can you go out and just buy rebuilt carbs? Is there a book that can tell me how to convert the other carbs? I am confident I can build a nicer set of linkage that what I can buy, so that just leaves the carb issues. I don't see 1,000 bucks worth of hassle, but that's what they are bringing. I am not hung up on 2, bolt 3 bolt or what ever.........not a "period correct" piece. I just need the visual impact on my 36. Thanks
I was just looking at vintage speed lot of info . You can also get the kit from Speedway to make correct carbs .
I have heard bad things about vintage speed. Maybe just using them for info would be a good idea. Here's the Speedway link you mentioned. I would have never thought about them. Thanks http://www.speedwaymotors.com/p/1647,,_Rochester-TriPower-Base-Kit.html?itemNo=tri%20power carb
I have a freind in Waco that used the Speedway kit , he say's it's the best . Im running a Hotrod Carberation set up from the late 80's on my sedan , works great .
In Rod and Custom a few years back they had a article on how to modify carbs for tri power. We built a set for my buddies nailhead off the article and he loves them. You can get rochester 2gc from the junk yard real cheap and just modify the bases. The same article had modifications for 94's-97's-2gcs. If you cant find the article give me a PM and I will try to find it. The article was from around 2002 or so. Did you ever get a waterpump figured out for the 265. I found a cool Leeman crank driven pump from a sprint car for $70 with the timing cover at a circle track swap meet. Just an idea. Good luck.
Rochester 2 barrels can be easily converted with Speedway parts, but you'll need earlier style with fuel inlet pointing to the side, later ones point forward and with three in a row you'll have clearance problems. I have the R/C article if need it . I'm running a 265 in my '34, what's the water pump problem?
just remember you cant youse just three of the same carb the end carbs are jetted different and set up different in some cased (ie. no power valves in end carbs and no accelerator pump on end s to)
I converted "primary" carbs to"secondaries" from a article in R&C a few years ago without the speedway kits, made my own linkage, used a spring for a spacer to give mne the proper "travel".I'll try & get a picture posted. JimV PS.HEY "peckerhead28" You spelled " TURD" wrong!! ya peckerhead!!lol
I'm sure you all do know that Speedway's carburetor parts and kits come from Charlie at Vintage Speed? Actually, they can be purchased from V/S for less money. Just for your information. It really isn't really necessary to use side exit 2G's as Olds, Caddy, and Pontiac used front exit, as Have I for years with no clearance issues when the right fittings are used. You just need to decide how valuable your time is........$300 for a conversion kit from Vintage Speed, $229 for a kit from Eelco, Inc., or $75 for the parts to do it yourself. There you have it.
I am in the beginning stages of putting together a 3x2 setup for SBC. Can anyone tell me about vacuum pressure and 3x2 ? Is there anything to take into account when putting the system togeather according to how much vacuum pressure my motor has at idle and at throttle ?
Root give my friend Larry Fulton a ring. His company is Automotion....he has all you need and will talk to you. He has cores/do it yourself kits or the full monty..... complete ready to go inductions http://www.hotrodcarbs.com/ He has been a great help and a good friend.(and his wife won't start screaming at ya either! )
its either vacuum or pressure - you need some vacuum to suck the gas at idle I had a real big cam and couldn't get my 3 -2 's to ildle. I opened up the idle circuit tubes and couldn't get it to go. I ended up getting a slightly smaller cam (xe 268) and it idled.
Actually, somewhere in there they went to a larger base pattern. I think for sure that all 350's w/2bbl were large.
Thanks guys. I am going to have to read all of these posts and check each link. Valuable information.
you can use the small fuel inlet front feed or the side feed, the big front inlet is the big base and is waaay to much for a mild build.......and yes they need to be the same cfm's. built one with 3 side feeds for a friends car and i have the speedway kit for mine (havent used it yet), at the time the speedway kit was cheaper then vintage speed and more reliable (yes they are from vintage speed). vintakes on here builds kits and has a nice webpage: http://www.vintakes.com/custom.html
That link doesn't work. I too want a 3x2 set for my truck. Seems like most guys want WAY too much for an old used set. Why spend $1000 on a set that needs work when you can get them new for $1500 or so? Anybody got any leads on any decent complete used sets?
Since were on the topic, has anybody used the "brand new" Strombergs? I've seem them and they look really good, just not sure there worth the $400 each, but then again, maybe they are.
The small base Rochester 2GC carbs were used on every 265, 283, and most of the 307s, as well as the 210hp 327s in early Camaros. They can also be found on 215 and 300 Buick V8s of the '60s. If you luck upon a '58 or '58 Olds or Pontiac (or any 348) tripower setup, you will find a primary and two secondary carbs, all small base. Pontiac went to large secondary carbs in '59.
How big of cam? I am working on my set up and was planning to run with the Comp 280 cam. I have a 268 in my Malibu with the Blower and it is barely enough. I was concerned about the 3x2 set up for this motor? There is an article/tech post posted by Vintakes. I helped him fix the text. I saved the article but seemed like I needed more info to understand. I was also thinking the R&C article was pretty vague on the 2Gs. I have several carbs I just need to re-work for the same set up.
Stogie I went from a 292 to a 268 and it worked. Lost 70 HP on top end between the cam and 4 barrel - but still run 13.3's. It has way more low end. Better burn outs for sure.
Root, As you already know, CP builds the crappiest carb on the planet (it's all been said before). If I recall correctly, you just eliminate the idle circuit and your good to go. Some folks say to eliminate the power valve, others swear you should keep it. Mine are eliminated. You don't need the choke on 1 and 3, but doesn't hurt to keep it. All you really need to do is contact Rudolph Faltermeier. He's as old as a stromberg and as reliable as a Rochester. Rudolph builds Holley 94s VERY reasonably. He is extremely knowledgeable in setting up a tri power and willing to share the info. I have sent atleast 5 people to him and all have been very satisfied. If you need Rochesters, his son does those. Rudolf Faltermeier 150 Rock Bridge Rd Spartanburg, SC 29307 864-463-6052
OK I'm a poser...that said...I used the original carb from my 71 Camaro donor engine. I picked up some 20 dollar core carbs for the blocked off end carbs. It's a cost/benefit ratio for me. 3 Deuces are eye candy. If you really want to go fast get something else. You'll have to fudge the linkage or remove the butterflies on the end dummy carbs, but it will perform just like a 71 Camaro with ZERO hassles. No vacuum leaks or flooded carbs. If it screws up in BFE you ask for a carb for a 71 Camaro, 307, automatic with A/C. The kid punches it in the computer and voila you're golden. Yeah there will be some whining about having non functional carbs (don't tell them!) from some people but do they really drive? Sure it can be done for an ass load of money and probably an ass load of trouble dialing it all in. Is the few times that you ever open it up really worth all that?...not to me. JMHO It's probably a sign of old age but after a while you just want to drive it without hassles. If you shop right you should be able to put together a good looking intake system for about 400 bucks. That leaves another 600 for other stuff.