OK a buddy of mine has a 51 chebby he just got and it has a 69 nova subframe under it... Thing is, it has drum brakes.. I got a 78 f-body subframe in the back yard.. WILL the brakes from my f-body clip fit his nova clip?? What all else will need to be swaped as the car has the master cyl and everything from the nova. He does body work favors for me ALL the time in trade for me doing mechanic work for him... SO I am gonna give him the stuff off my clip if it will work.. anywho know???
well that sucks...I know where some 4dr novas and a few venturas are in a bone yard... What all do I need to grab?
spindles and all the brake parts. You need to find a "rear steer" nova/ventura, the steering box behind the crossmember, not in front of it
yeah, master, proportioning valve, lines (they have the wierd size flare nuts), whatever you can get.
All, The Disc Brake Nova has a wider tread than the Drum Brake Nova ! Expect wheel to fender clearance problems , if you do the swap ! Good Luck, Sonny
Im using 4 wheel drums from a 72 Nova on my 48 Aerosedan. Lighter and stops as good as discs, without the conversion hassle
The 64-72 Chevelle and other GM intermediates use the same spindles as the 68-74 Nova and 67-69 Camaro, but the steering arms are made for front-steer rather than rear-steer. The steering arms are bolted to the spindles, so sometimes they can be switched side-for-side to convert from front-steer to rear-steer or vise versa.
The difference in width is 3/8" per side. Spindles are different because of the drum brake spindle having the boss for the bolt which holds the backing plate and springs. It can be used but needs the boss milled or ground off. If I remember right it needs to be ground down .620 If you can get the disc spindles it makes thing easier.
If you put them side by side the chevelle/nove are real close to the same demitions as a late pinto mustang 2.. you need to ream the lower ball joint on the spendal.. Dirt Works and other chasis builders sells them on their IMCA open wheel modifides.. I have them on mine..You can then buy the hardware for larger brakes from a street rod supplier..I have not tried it but the 73 or so camero looks like it will work{ swap sides on rear steer} and it will lower the car a inch or so,