I am building a 51 2 door, and I got the replacement rocker panels from Mercuryland. They have the proper contours, but I am scratching my head on the installation. Can any tech savy hambers help me out with some instructions and/or pictures on the install process. I am working with the outer rockers only, but the person I got the car from had some work done and I don't know how much of it is correct on the inner rockers. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I haven't forgotten you I've just started fitted the other side on mine, will take some decent pics this time, anything specific
I just did the rockers on my Merc. I built my own out of 18 gauge, but I can see why no one repops em, they are a HUGE pain in the ass. They curve, roll and taper along the entire length. I had to build a brake long enough to do em in one piece and borrrow a shrinker to make the curve. Don't know if this will help.... -Abone.
My biggest ? is on how the front part of the panel needs to be trimmed to allow the door to open/close properly. The contour of the door seems that it will bind if it is mounted flush for eye appeal. The front edge of my door has some rot, so I don't have a crisp edge to deal with. I feel out of my league, but I hate to have to pay a metal man to install them when I have the time and equipment. I just need some instructions. I've got the body on a rotissiere, so it is easy to work with right now, but I want to make sure I do this right. Thanks, I know you are busy with your own stuff. I appreciate you taking time to help me.
Here are a few more...I made all my floor and inner rocker stuff, so be carefull using me for reference.. -Abone.
I have to replace my inner and outter rockers in my car. I bought the outers for only $60.Then I got looking for the inners.......$350 EACH NAAAAHHHH dont think so. Flamedabone did you make the outer or inner???
34. Yes, I made everything from the firewall to the rear bumper. Floors, tranny tunnel, most of the door jambs, trunk, inner/outer rockers, yada, yada.. The car was a giant piece of shit when I got it. I didn't make all my stuff exactly like stock Merc, I used square tubeing for the structural part of the inner rockers and floor boards, then tied the outer rockers to that. Mo'hedmommy. I looked for some pics that address your problem, but couldn't find shit. My rockers wanted to hit th ecorner of the door when I opened it all the way also. I made a slight dimple in the rocker to clear. Low tech, but you will never see it... If you need anything, gimme a holler and I can take some more pics. Good luck, -Abone.
i just did the rockers no my 51. i had to use an 8 foot brake to make them. i did the inners and outers. keep in mind my merc used to be a moredoor and the outer is a mile long. there is about 4 different compound curves in them. i have alot more time in the inners and outers than if i bought the ones MHM is talking about. one thing to keep in mind is it is alot of work but if you do it right now you will never have to worry about it. theres nothing more expensive than passing up the oppertunity to repair a bit of sheetmetal, due to a little more cost, and having to redue all the work and paint when a little gremlin pops up a few years down the road. let me know and ill send you a good bit of progress pics all the way through the repair. i wish i knew how to post them and i would. if anyone knows how ill send them so they can post for me. great pics for a tech. ether
Mo'head.. Here is the pic I PMed you about. The owner of this Merc is named Mejia (I think..could be wrong..) My car will have a very similar look, except for his is a 49 and mine is a 51. Love this car.. Keep me posted on yours and if you need me to take some specific pics, gimme a holler. -Abone.
WOW Flamed I thought my car was rough!! Great job!!! I guess you just made the inner flat and not like the original??
your welcome. the rockers, inner and outer, are totally handmade on an 8 foot brake. the inners are so close to a subframed car its scary as they are an overlapped box. the outers are tricky (especially on a moredoor 15 foot rocker) as they have about 3 compound curves to them. i had no problem with the front edge of the door but am told that if you round the corner of the door (front lower corner) much more than the radius of a quarter you will have to modify the front of the rocker and dogleg the front fenders into the rocker. that is my 51 ive been working on since february. it was a moredoor morphed into a two.
MHM if your ever up this way, you are more than welcome to stop and take a look. as well as any HAMBer. theres nothing better than a redneck blueprint!!!!!!!!!!
I got the same from Mercury land.There was enough left front and back to leave 1'' on both sides of the jams.Remember,measure 10,000 times,cut once.I ended up cutting the spot welds out and grafting the factory stuff to the new rocker.my inners do not exist at all,so i'm just gonna use some 2x2 to make them.As long as it supports the floor.... If your inners are there,your fine.They all overlap,so grafting,welding should'nt be a problem.I've found that the doors need to be lined up perfecty to set the rocker gap.Once you've got that,set the rocker gap,and you're cool.If your hinges sag,and the doors hang,PM me,as I found someone who rebuilds them for a swinging deal.Good luck-Kid
Motorhead thanks for posting the pics Ether thanks for sending them to be posted they are just what I was looking for I have a better idea of what I need to do now!!
Here's mine, I'd say you could go to a half dollar maybe even a silver dollar radius without all those other mods. I am using the stock arm that controls how far you can open the door. If I open it past that, the rounded corners will start hitting. Motorheadmommy, If you run the stock sill plate covers remember they take up alot of room. Be sure to check your door closes with them in place. Don't ask me how I know.