Damn, I almost did'nt recognize it, so use to seeing it black and different wheels than a few years ago, I thought it was a car I had never seen before, but it all makes sence now. Looks good.
OK, I did a memory seach, then a map book search, then googled a bit, and came up with Galvin, WA Try this link for a pic in 'home territory' http://www.flickr.com/photos/akameus/170954566/in/set-1097039/ Might need to go for a cruise and check out the whole display.
"WOW" really?? let ME know where they are and WE will BOTH know!! Goodguys...2 weeks away, and Claude and Susan Freund ALWAYS have a kick ass bar-b-que with hundreds of people there, (Russ's parents, from Extreme Customs) on Saturday after the show...come on over someone will have room for you, I KNOW --AS I DROWN YOU-- would share his bed with you!!!... By the way I am the one who asked about the guages (while drinking all that beer in the Stude parked next to you) !! I love 'em and to be honest I forgot what you told me they were from...Again please, I want them in my T.....Ken
Some guys already said it, but the owner had it for sale at Puyallup. His friends talked him out of selling(took the sign off and told him to rip it up.) He painted right before the show and told me he went from wanting to sell to "not a chance in hell i'm selling!" Really nice guy, and I could tell he was getting a lot of people drooling over it. Big block car - not really my thing, but very cool indeed!
They are from a 1952 DeSoto. About him sharing my bed, that may not be a good idea... Yeah, I heard about the party, would be a blast. My life is a bit crazy these days. We'll see...
Wow, talking about color choices! Such a difference. I didn't recognize Brian's car. Looks like a nice show again. Good to see so many familiar cars plus all newcomers at your scene. Thanks fo sharing the photos, Rolf. Too bad Paul's photos seem to be gone...? --mika
Hey Rolf, here's my contribution. The one's of the lovely ladies were in our coffin turned beer cooler.
must be something going on with Village Photos? I was going to use Photo Bucket but it was down for maintainance when I went to put my pictures there my pictures seem to be back now? wtf? this is why I almost always load pictures directly to the HAMB the thumbnail slows down the viewing, having to click on each picture but at least they are more reliable... sorry for the ramble, back to the show
The guy that owns that truck is in the Phantoms CC out of Vancouver WA. i think they have a website if you seach it.
That truck was built by Jonah Mead (Cherry Doll Face's husband) from Royal Kustoms in Ariel Washington. http://www.myspace.com/royal_kustoms
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">PIX RULE!! Thanx for sharing with us. This show is on my must list for next year. It just oozes COOL!! Some great tin from up there and some fun lovin folks. Obviously a lot of prep put into this event and the location sure lends itself to a great set up. Comgrats to the promoters!! Rock On!! Sololobo/Roadburners of Omaha </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Hey Rolf.. yeah We kinda got there a little late. I had an issue with the radiator in the '59. Blew a 6" seam on the top tank... she is all fixed up now.. just gonna re install er this week end. I had a blast. I figured if I was limping the beast around.. i might as well get a lil loaded and enjoy my surroundings... and boy did I!!! Good times. Nails
That is my friend Erik's car. It was so close to all the other cars you couldn't get a side pic. He has a myspace, if you dare, and there are some pics of it there. Here's the link: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cf...&MyToken=a7874148-a165-415e-bea1-96f48a588b6f