One neat 5w coupe,the wire wheels give it the oldtime look but one question,why does everyone(almost)use a 32 grille shell.Does the chrome of a 30/31 model A upset the look or is the 32 a badge of honor? Using a Y-block was fairly common over here for a lot of early rods so an interesting choice of engine. Keep up the great work.
What a Kick-Ass ride! ...Tasteful, well thought out, excellent colors (love the exhaust) and the interior is exactly the leather(distressed natural finish) that I'm using in my 31 A, the Y block is a cool little motor to (fun to find performance parts for huh?!) I have to give you ALL THUMBS UP! I'd love to see some more pics...
Dead nuts perfect! In Ryans comments he said "Take notes fellas" which made me wonder why more 30/31 sedan builders don't follow young Kennedy's (and Rolf's) lead. It seems like a lot of the sedans being built now are chopped 10", channeled 12" with the frames Z'd 16" front and rear. Anybody working on an A sedan following the Kennedy theme?
Exactly! Everytime I see one of those ass draggin "hot rods", I think "just another example of the EXTREEEEM-Mountain Dew, post mini-trucker lifestyle" hahahaha
I agree that's one to take notes on,because it's raised the bar!!!The understated colour was the perfect choice,along with those wheels and wow, that interior!!!Great job,you've just made it harder for the rest of us to acheive perfection.
70 Chevy pickup if I remember correctly its been over a year since I bought them. But some of them are skinny and some are fat mine are skinny make the parts man at Auto Zone dig!
Love the grey paint, thanks for not painting it black. Was just looking at an Audi TT interior baseball glove stitching, last week, thinking how bitchin' it would be in a retro street rod. The Germans really know how to make some nice seats.