Carb cleaner will take grease and paint off of clothes. I get 1 Shot on my pants all the time (usually pants that I shouldn't be painting in). A little spray (read: alot) with carb cleaner and into the washer it goes. Just don't wash 'em with your wife's unmentionables or anything else that is nice. - anyone else have a tip? Joe
It also makes a down right GREAT Wasp & Hornet killer,..... it actually seems to works better than the commercial stuff
It is a great parts cleaner for any small parts. The pressure of the spray makes it work better and quicker than just soaking in regular parts cleaner.
Its something you do on Saturday mornings so your wife will sleep with ya that nite,(Thats what she thinks!!)But its something that men do to check out & talk to the other babes at the laundrimat!!lol JimV
I use brake cleaner, leaves no residue. I've been told some brake cleaners are the same chemically as dry cleaning solvent. Been using GM Top engine cleaner as a vinyl cleaner for years, works great, and I like the smell. (I'm not normal)
i use spray bomb paint remover as vinyl softener, makes old hard as hell vinyl soft as new, dont leave it on to long just spray it on a rag and wipe it down good.
first off the carb cleaner works great on bugs i use it also and my tip of the day.. There once was a guy on the hamb who was married and bought a new house with a badass garage, said guy was cheating on his woman while trying to get a TV show off the ground, dumbass got caught and lost both pieces of ass and his garage and possibly a few cars. Tip of the day you ask? Don't get caught cheating and if your too stupid to not hide it don't fucking cheat.
Brake cleaner good...but throw the clothing right into the washer, as the solvent moves the crud out into the cloth and will make a permanent ring if it is allowed to dry before being thrashed by the washer. When I'm cleaning grease spots off of something I'm still wearing with brake cleaner, I just splash a handful of water onto the spot after cleaning it. Real laundry products are kinda cheating, but I just found that something from the laundry section in the store with "Oxy" or maybe "Oxi" in the name will perfectly remove a quart of clotted blood from a white HAMB/JJ shirt. Good stuff for concealing mistakes or felonies...
Just a word of warning on using carb cleaner to get grease off of clothes...Make damn sure you're not wearing them at the time....if ya squirt carb cleaner on your pants-leg while wearing them ,it won't be but a few minutes til ya get this real burning sensation & a huge red rash on yer leg....ask me how I know!!!! same goes for putting a shop rag thats wet with c/cleaner in yer back pocket....just about the time you get back under the hood, ya get this burning sensation on yer butt...same rash & itches like a mother...Ask me again how I know.....must be a slow learner Stan
If you are washing clothes with any kind of oil or gasoline residue on them USE BABY OIL in the wash. The baby oil will lift the oils and crud out and keep it in suspension. .
Jeez-O-Pete, when the hell is Martha Stewart gonna weigh in here? You guys are starting to scare me with this crap..........
I tried to kill 2 black widows with Berrymans. The next day I went back and the biggest one was still alive. I sprayed her again till she fell then stomped on her. She died then.
Considering that putting clothing with traces of gasoline on it in the drier can cause an explosion, you can thank me later.
Don't use a wet dry vac to clean up flammable liquids. Couple of weeks ago a guy around here set himself and his garage on fire. Scrump
You can fit more aluminum cans in your recycling bin (as in several hundred percent more) if you teach your kid how neat it is to mash them down to razorblade thickness in the hydraulic press. Tomorrow: How to iron your tux for the ball using only the same hydraulic press and two big slabs of 1" boiler plate...move over, Martha.
dont use acetylene to check for a vacuum leack in your distributor, the gas can leak inside the cap and turn it into a uncontroled rocket taking the wires with it.
Word of caution, look under the lid of your washer, yeah that big white thing in the basement,. It will say never wash a garment that has been soaked in gasoline or other flammable liquids for fear of explosion. also never dry any Item that has been soaked in oil, even cooking oil , even after washing. Oh and mom said don't run with scissors. Carlg
We had a guy blow up the washer here at work (it's for coveralls, honest ). He was prepping a load of especially nasty ones and poured a 3 Lb coffee can full of AV GAS into the mix. Well, he decided he should let it soak so when the tub filled up, he turned the machine off. When another employee came up and recommended he use some Super Clean (we get the concentrate by the 55 gallon drum) the first employee reportedly said "we ain't in the back yard makin potions with little brother" as he pulled to the 'on' position what would later be known as "the ignition switch." Blew the lid open, knocked his hand out of the way, but not before singing the crap out of his forearm, fortunately the fire burned itself out almost immediately. The washer was never the same, the company later had to replace it (wouldn't hold drive belts anymore). Gotta admire how tough the old Maytag stuff was. Moral, don't wash your clothes with flammables in a washer set to "HOT" (or at all for that matter). That good enough for 'Tip of the Day'?