fotki is a freakin' mess! i have called them and talked on the phone....bastards! i can't talk to anyone that speaks good enough english to understand EXACTLY what i am saying either! i have to host pics with their link under each pic now like ...... who else uses FOTKI? throw me yours links so i can add to my buddy list? Hosted on Fotki
What are you complaining about, if it's the "Hosted on Fotki" just leave that part of the code off when you post. I've been doing that ever since they changed last year.
Exactly as SoCalCarCulture said... The problem is you're using the web page, not the image location. Pull up the picture you want to use and single right click, copy image location. This will get the image only. Right: Wrong:
this is true, but the guy on the phone told me the new change took place only 3 days maybe you didn't know about it yet either? i know your fotki, i always check there for inspiration, nice work!
i hear ya, that is what i have been doing for about 3 years, but unfortunately, that doesn't work now for more than a few hours and the pics disappear.
The right click method will cause your picture to disappear after a short while. You must now use one of the "share photo" methods available, he is using the one that allows you to click on the image to go to the album. The code they provide contains the line "image hosted on Fotki" but works fine if you eliminate that line of code. This allows Fotki users to decide if they want to share linking on their images, obviously if you post a link using the right-click method it won't be visible for long.
Dave, you are absolutely correct in what i did....but , the other way "right click on photo to get the URL" is the same method i had been using for about 3 years and i never ran into the problem of the pictures disappearing after a few hours. ..... until now. that is what i am saying is, they changed it so that method only works for a few hours. we are both on the same page, but i think you skipped that paragraph? lol...razzin ya! but really.... i know what you mean, my explanations sometimes don't come across right i guess. thanks for responding. the way the code is all there so the new method really isn't any harder to use, just that they never made a big deal about when it changed last year and I'm sure many others were surprised with this. Fotki offers more than most photo hosting services but you have to read through all their menus to understand the way they work - I've been telling them for years to communicate better with their users!
NO DOUBT! i love fotki, but when i was referring to those "bastards", it was not fotki it'self....but more of the person's i get on the phone that can't understand me and i get nowhere with the conversation. i still have not received the email the guy promised me. fotki kicks butt, trust me. i use it all the time and have paid up until February 2009. i have almost 30,000 club photos up there too.
To understand Fotki better you have to know that this whole thing was started by two Estonians in a garage-like set-up and they have managed to grow it to what it is today. I used to have conversations with the owner about band-width usage in the early days and consequently agreed to have only the thumbnail and mid-size images available in my account. This led to many changes but they finally solved their band-width usage for a while. Now I've noticed they have a new image compression tool to cut usage more. On heavy traffic days for my account I've seen over 40gb of band-width for one day. They're just trying to manage the whole thing but they don't have much staff as you've found out! A little communication on their part would go a long way toward smoothing out the bumps as they make changes!
yeah i was unaware of how they started out. thanks for sharing that. i only expect excellent service for being a paying customer. i understand that they are people just like you and I, but it got under my skin to talk to someone that could not even respond to me. i used to sell steaks over the phone for Omaha Steaks and i am sure it drove many people nuts that i could not completely understand them .....the customer... lol ahh seems to be ok now, i am using the "new way"