UPDATE 10-8-07 My buddy Jon and his wife Sherry were nice enough to offer their place up for the gathering. The address for the GTG is : 10850 Grayson St, Jacksonville FL 32220 Feel free to give me call if you're lookin to show up. Thanks much, Dave Now back to the original post. Well, I'm gonna give this a shot. Here goes... Meeting a few other guys from here (BigT and Rockinlager) was a blast! Both great guys! We got to talkin and wondered how we could could meet more people like us. The general idea was to have a little get together with some food and music to bring people together with similar interests. Basically just a day to bring yer cars out, eat, drink and have some fun. Please feel free to bring your women too cuz I know of several that will be attending already. None of us had ever organized anything like this before so we are kinda hoping others might think a relaxed, backyard type of atmosphere like that would be a good time too. BigT helped me put the info together on the "flier" below. Because I don't know how many people to expect, please give me a call or email. Once the date is closer, I will contact each person and let them know the exact location. Sorry I can't be more specific right now but there is a big difference between 20 cars and 40 cars. Please feel free to cruise in from the surrounding areas too, this ain't just for the Jax people. Look forward to hearing from ya!
This sounds like a good Idea. I will have to play it by ear as I am not sure if the car will be all together and road safe. I am building the motor this weekend, but there is still a lot of work left to fit in between normal responsibilities.
I am in... and for you out of town folks... Rev. Horton Heat and Hank III are playing at Freebird at Jax Beach Nov 1st... Get a Hotel and make it a long wild weekend!
Good to hear from you guys! The reason we picked Nov 3rd was in hopes of a GTG before the Turkey Run, cooler than during the blazing hot summer, a day when there wasn't a bunch of other car stuff goin on and to give people the time to plan for it. We figured two months would allow folks to get their affairs in order to make it out. I have already learned that there is a lot more to consider than when we originally started tossin the idea around . Whoda thunk gettin a bunch of car guys to-gather would take so much thunkin?
As I said...I'm on board schedule permitting, Just one request, Dont let the gold chainers know....they'll fuck it all up with their arm chairs and CBD's...
Hey Everybody, The days are flyin by so I figured I would post up the address for the GTG. I put all the info at the top of the first post and below for ease of viewing. Feel free to give me a call if you are gonna hang out with us. Thanks much!!! Regards, Dave My buddy Jon and his wife Sherry were nice enough to offer their place up for the gathering. The address for the GTG is : 10850 Grayson St, Jacksonville FL 32220
Tried to call but the phone is acting crazy. I have 6 people, 3 cars coming with me. Should be a goodtime! Call me if you need to at 387-2000 Tillman
Hey Fast41, Good talkin to you and thanks for the offer of help... I just might need a bit. LOL Sorry you had trouble gettin through on my cel as I was at work. If anyone else would like to get me a message or RSVP, feel free to PM or email me at dave@mindmagma.com. Thanks! Regards, Dave