Hi folks, after putting my 58 Continental ( which rides on airbags ) back onto 14 inch wheels & also radial tyres ( WHAT a better ride!! ) I have lost about 3 inches in height & henceforth if I pop an airbag on the front suspension I'm gonna lose my transmission cooling pipes & heaven knows what else! Trying to figure out what to do for the best when someone said that airbags are available with built in bump stops to stop car singikng too low? Is this true & if so could anyone point this UK er in the right direction please?? Many thanks, Steve B
I think these are the ones that might have been talked about. Only ones I have run across so far. http://www.slamspecialties.com/
THANK YOU Chevy Mike & Cleatus, that's EXACTLY what I'm looking for, cheers. Thank you also Slammy, glad you like...photography's a hobby that also pays sometimes as am doing some magazine stuff, I took that shot in South east England outside an old run down garage, here's another from same shoot. Cheers to you both, Steve B
personally i wouldn't rely on the airbags with internal bumpstops...a better solution would be to fab up some new cups to mount the bags, to regain that 3" of suspension you lost going to shorter tires, and add some external bumpstops.
A slam bag compressed is 3" if your bag right now doesn't colapse to that hight ( I think a firestone 2600# is 2.8") you really are not gaining anything. A better choice would be an external bump stop or build a bigger bag cup. Josh
My guess would be to make some external bump stop out of polyerethane. Any decent machine shop should be able to do a quality job with specs provided.
do the right thing and put the proper height cup in, then while your at it put in an adjustable external bump stop.
I saw a car once that had bumpstops on big all thread going to a threaded bracket on the frame. You adjust them to keep you above scrub, but if you ever want it to lay out at a show you just loosen em and raise them up.
a friend popped a bag in his 63 chevy belaire and he knew about ti pretty quick. needed a new gearbox xmember but everything was repairable. he didnt have much luck with that car. 1 thing broke after another...
Thankyou fiolks, I reckon extending the bag cup s the only way because as some of you rightly point out, the collapsed state of Slam Bag is only about 3/8 higher than Firestone. Many thanks for confirming my thoughts. Steve