Well folks, this guy has: a. More money than sense b. Lots of money and lots of time c. Lots of hemi stuff, cause he has a hemi in a motorcycle too d. Jay Leno wannabe complex e. All of the above and then some
Not quite what I would have done, but overkill goes way back in this hobby. "If some is good, more is better, and too much is just right."
He also has no sense of style. Maybe he should try bowling....at least then he could have a groovy shirt.
The options you listed sounds like any # of Hambers....... Is this guy in the Deuce club?????? Should be......fit right in......... I personally think it's kinda cool........remember all the multi-engine drag cars of the 50's/60's???? Or street driven FED t-buckets?????
that thing is horrendously ugly. what a waste. if you want to build a twin engined car, why not build a dragster? Or build something asthetically pleasing like a roth car.. gross.
Proportions are all wrong. Push the rear engine back into the cabin several inches, then put the front engine much closer to the rear one, shorten the wheelbase and at leats it would look a bit more realistic and driveable. Cheers, Glen.
maybe it's a very rich 12 year old, and they are having all thier favorite HOTWHEELS built into full size cars
So what's wrong with this??????...most overkill sucks...all you see is the overkill and the design is lost.
Well, it's no Shark A.T.T.A.K., but...hey! I thought you liked ugly, wierd-for-the-sake-of-wierd cars!
A guy by the name of Jay Orberg built a twin engine '32 roadster over 20 years ago. Some of you old timers may remember it. It was a bad idea back then and time hasn't made it any more appropriate. Does "hey, look at me" do anything to explain why? Frank
gee, some of you guys really need to lay off the Haterade. i like it better than all of the stock black primer stock 4 doors ive been seeing on here lately.
how about choice F: tiny dick syndrome? other than land speed racing, multiple engines have never proven to be better than one.