A short film about the San Antonio devilman with chicken feet myth is being made and about 5 or 6 extras are needed. The scene will be shot at a local bar this Saturday the 22nd at 9 pm, I know it's short notice but heres your chance to be in a movie. The director will be screening it at a few film festivals. Message me if your interested, I'll be checking daily. Thanks. I forgot it's based in the 50s and 60s.
That sounds like an awesome ideda...................they should use some CGI and have him fight the swordsman from Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
They could also digitally replace him in The Terminator and he could go around shooting women named Sarah Conner.
My friends dad use to play in a band, and claimed to have seen the chicken feet devilman at a dancehall outside of Austin. Said the whole place smelt like sulfur after he left.
I also heard about the sulfur smell. I also heard that the devilman was chased into the restroom where he dissapeared in a puff of smoke. Older people around here say it was a bar called Cameroncito lounge.
Lock your doors and prepare for a slow and painfull death!! The RockABillyChickenDevil's reign of terror has just begun.
I'm an actor in Austin that does independent films. I do stunts and can get you some other crew resources. I'm confused-do you want an actor dressed up rockabilly or a rockabilly dressed as an actor? Cool idea, though; I wrote a short story with the devilman in it...
The director just asked for a few "rockabilly types" to be extras so thats what I'm trying to get. No problem If i don't, I was supposed to get cars which I got all lined up. Smells like sulpher...tastes like chikin.
Well, let me know what you need-I can get you sorted out if you need any action/stunt stuff or crew in general. Did you guys try Austin Film Casting? there's always stuff up there from SA. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AustinFilmCasting/
Ill be there with my fleetline. hopefully it gets to be in the movie. Dustin is also coming with his wife and his 53 ford they would like to be extras in the movie. See you sat.