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Angry. Really Angry.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by LUX BLUE, Sep 26, 2007.

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    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX

    How in the hell are Gearheads supposed to meet Fashion Models without photoshoots?

    If we're goin to Milan, YOU'RE buying the gas.
  2. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    Spoken from guys that have never spent all day in a freezing cold shop with Angela Ryan crawling over their car in skimpy panties and bathing suits.:D
  3. Jobe
    Joined: Oct 19, 2004
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    from Austin, Tx

    Yes indeedy...Sorry Lux...
  4. 53burb
    Joined: Jun 25, 2004
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    Sorry fellas. I spent a good part of my life in freez'in temperatures. I would rather look at hot chicks in 80+ on the beach. I would hate to be pulling pieces of rust out of the models ass' after sitting on my hood. KNUX!
  5. RF
    Joined: Mar 13, 2001
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    Despite all the negative aspects that arose from this particular situation, what keeps jumping out at me is something that seems to be sort of a recurring theme: If you despise a certain publication so much that it causes you to publicly state such, what makes you swallow that pride, suck it up, and let that despised publication have the opportunity to make you a part of its image? I totally get the exposure aspect, as it's cool to see yourself, shop, friends, etc in print--but I'm a heterosexual, and proud of it (regardless what Ryan, McPhail, or anyone else says they've done with me in the past), and there's no way I'd pose for Blue Boy, even if they paid me. Just won't do it. Look what it did for JimA. Listen to Barbara Bush (about nudie spreads, not against drugs) and Just Say No!
  6. Firedome
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
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    from Austin, TX

    It was still good to see everyone midweek over a couple of cold beers....during daylight even:D ...with or without a shoot.

    Man, it REALLY hurt to see Flint's car on the flatbed....but good to see Flint was still there to bitch about it....especially without the belts.

    hope the poncho's not completely dead.
  7. BLAKE
    Joined: Aug 10, 2002
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    Gosh... sorry for not being angrier, but I sorta had fun hangin' out last night.. not gonna let some rude butthole stander-upper photog ruin my evening with friends.

    Only bummer for me was Flint's smashed '62... that sukt.
  8. TEAMGrant
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 65


    Sorry to hear that. And also sorry to hear about you Hellfish, that was a business agreement and they didn't meet their end. You should back charge them for their supposed “sponsorship".
  9. krupanut
    Joined: May 4, 2001
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    Ditto, I kind of wish buzzard and I didn't have a poker tournament to play last night. (Although in retrospect I'm glad since I won the thing!:D)
    I haven't had much...well hell ... ANY hang out time in the past few months so the 30 minutes or so I was there was great therapy.

    Really feel for Flint.
    Just awful.
  10. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
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    Nah, it's not worth the hassle, and it didn't hurt us. It was just annoying and just confirmed who we were dealing with.
  11. Same thing happened to me, only I was to shackled to a wall, wearing only a leather retraining helmet... then this guy named Geno showed up and fellated me with gusto... I asked when the photographer was going to show up and he just mumbled something (he seemed to really be enjoying himself), he finished me off, and left, not a picture was taken. I was pissed!:D
  12. plan9
    Joined: Jun 3, 2003
    Posts: 4,082


    wisdom and lots of humor in one message... sage words RF.

  13. krupanut
    Joined: May 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,619


    Good point Rob.

    I don't really think it’s a matter of swallowing pride for most Austinites.
    We're not used to politics, rivalry, etc...Although in the past 6-7 years there's sure been allot more of it running around here.

    I think we fall pray to stuff like this because of our live and let live attitude.
    The Austin hippy in all of us.;),

    Yes Old School Rods is a cartoon of a mag to say the least but hell, if some guy gets exited about something going on here and wants to take pics, we're more than likely going to say, sure, man come on by, call up some buddies and put some beer on ice.
    Give em' a chance.
    Let them prove they're what we thought in first place, but give them a shot.

    I know things have changed here with our little hot rod (dare I say it) scene and the more squirrels you have running around the harder it is to give them all the benefit of the doubt and I can't imagine what its like to deal with the So-Cal (yikes that word again) scene.
    So I dig what you’re saying.

    But I hope that attitude here never goes completely away, it's part of why I live here.
  14. Pete
    Joined: Mar 8, 2001
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    A few years ago ol skool rodz did an article on our show at Ralph's Diner in Worcester, Mass. They took some cheap shots in the article and really didnt do thair homework before they printed it, really pissed a few of us off. This year they contacted us wanting to set up a booth at our show, we said thanks but no thanks....we have very limited verdor space and like to keep it to parts only. they attempted to go over our heads by contacting the owner of the Diner...luckily he contacted us and we said no again,,,,well guess what, they sent a photographer anyways. He seemed like a pretty nice guy and I didnt want to make a scene and draw attention so we let it slide....I never really cared too much for the mag but I thought it had a big following??

    alter boys
  15. Steve 38
    Joined: Jan 5, 2007
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    Steve 38

    The guy who stood you up is a jerk-off. But most of the medium and small publications rely on free-lance writers. Normal proceedure for a free-lancer is to provide photos and details of their planned article to the mag to be OK'd first, then go ahead with setting everything up with those invloved. It may be possible the mag actually knows nothing at all about this article.
  16. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    Or not.
  17. RF
    Joined: Mar 13, 2001
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    I wasn't trying to bust any Austin balls--you never know how soon my nut bag might be permanently smellin' like South Congress! And I wasn't picking on any one particular mag, either, as what I said can (and I guess was) easily applied to any genre of titles, from cars to horses to basket weaving. It happens to me all the time:
    "Hey, your magazine sucks."
    Oh, that's too bad you feel that way, 'cuz I was considering putting your car on the cover.
    "Wait, no, I meant that other one...what's the name of yours again?"
    I'll get back to you...soon.

    If our thing (scene, clique, whatever you wanna call it) wasn't so diverse and spread out in small groups across the country and across the world, we wouldn't rely so heavily on magazines to fuel our passion, desire, and dedication (some honestly can do that w/o magazines, and I really admire that) and thus take them so seriously. We'd rely solely on each other. With the huge exception of making ends meet, my "autmotive" life would not alter one bit if every old car/truck magazine were to fall off the face of the earth.
  18. Nick79
    Joined: Apr 19, 2006
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    from Austin, TX

    "Fuck em dude...let's go bowlin"

    I had fun hanging out regardless LUX, don't sweat had been a while since I was out to the shop and you gave me some suggestions on adjusting my heap. It was an excuse to haul ass in the hot rod. Shitty rag or not...any excuse is a good one! Something crummy (Flint's wreck) always seems to accompany shit like this though. That pisses me off. Hopefully it can be resurrected and glad he was ok. I still think no insurance should equal 10 minutes alone with the cuffs on.

  19. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    I totally agree, Rob. We lamed out by agreeing to work with them in the first place and got what we probably deserved.

    And if I didn't have the poker game to go donate to, I would have stayed, hung out, had a good time, and wouldn't have been irritated. I guarantee that Lux isn't pissed that he won't be in the magazine. He's bummed because everybody rushed over there to help him out on what turned out to be a busted shoot.
  20. LUX BLUE
    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    from AUSTIN,TX

    I could give a damn about the "Me" aspect (of all of the cars that showed, I worked on or built precisely 2 of them.-Not counting Flint's now officially destroyed Cruiser.)- it was that I put alot of buddies on the spot for this one. D.W. and Rob showed up in thier work duds, Cliff took off a bit early to make it here by 6,etc.etc.
    These fellas busted thier butts for ME- Not O.S.R.- it may as well been a photo shoot for The Shrine Circus- but they did this for ME.

    So, in the long run, I feel like I let THEM down. I HATE that. I'm not that kind of friend.
  21. krupanut
    Joined: May 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,619


    We're on the same page tottaly.
    and hope to SEE you on South Congress soon bro.
    cause I'm not checking the smell of your nut bag to prove it.:D
  22. SlowandLow63
    Joined: Sep 18, 2004
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    from Central NJ

    But they wouldn't have done that shit if they weren't your friends. Shit rolls down hill and you were stuck in the middle, it happens. Unfortunately a car and a sick wife had to pay the price in this one, but look on the bright side at least your not in that mag. Then you'd have people coming to you asking to weld 2 sticks together to make a frame and bungee cord a body down onto them. Either that or they'd want tattoos or some booty shorts. All things you don't do and don't want to do. The booty shorts maybe, but thats neither here nor there.

    I think your a hell of a guy and from you even showing the slightest bit of disgust for this cat standing YOUR FRIENDS up, it proves your character. You didn't really even mention yourself. Kudos to you, fuck him. Kick his teeth in.
  23. Zerk
    Joined: May 26, 2005
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    I would have been mega-pissed, but maybe you can turn it around.

    Some of your buds are saying they had a cool time anyway WITHOUT that OSR flake showing up. Maybe you could set the day aside next year as "Screw OSR Day (SOD). Rope off the lot, half-price drafts, some eatments available...and hang a turkey in effigy.
  24. Casey
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
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    you guy`s didn`t realy join the shriners circus did ya?
    I was just kidding !
    sorry to here about the wreck . sounds like that guy need`s a ass whooping , but you can`t do it now that you posted this .
    that`s pretty shity of the guy .
    your friends will forgive you ! but will remind you every time some one need`s to buy the beer ? :p
  25. HighSpeed LowDrag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2005
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    HighSpeed LowDrag
    from Houston

    Man I can relate. Nothing worse than having friends step up to the plate for you and end up feeling screwed due to circumstances you can't control. If you're like me, I can look like a jack-ass (or feel like one anyway) without anybody's help, Thank You.

    Luckily, friends don't hold it over you. You would do it for them if they asked. This falls under the "remember the time.........." shit we talk about over beers for years to come.
  26. LUX BLUE
    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    from AUSTIN,TX

    So, Tonight I get home and check the mesages at home.

    Seems Ol' Frank (who is military) got hung up last night. He managed to sneak a call in during Chow (around 6) Here, and was pretty apologetic about the whole thing. I'm still a little miffed, but not anywhere near as pissed as I was.
    Now I'm just bummed about the whole damn thing. I sat here and drug his ass through the ringer, and he was busy learning to disarm landmines (or something equally army-ish, I'm sure.)in the dark.

  27. jusjunk
    Joined: Dec 3, 2004
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    from Michigan

    Ok been there done shit like that, Fucking with people.. so who is the asshole now.. ?????
    I hope you have enuff balls to apologize if needed .. If not then fuck em..
  28. SlowandLow63
    Joined: Sep 18, 2004
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    from Central NJ

    Even still, professional curteousy. If you get hung up at home and can't make it in to the shop but have a meeting with a customer, do you leave them hanging? Bad business.
  29. INXS
    Joined: Dec 3, 2005
    Posts: 348


    Maybe they were counting on Bo Huff to show up and pose with some of the cars but he got sick and couldn't make it. ;)
  30. HRH
    Joined: May 2, 2002
    Posts: 402


    Originally Posted by Ryan
    Man... some of you people are weirdos... and full of your own opinion...

    I just saw this on slowandlow63's profile and about laughed my ass off!
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