And.........? Suprised you have not been crucified for leaving out the cars you own, marital status, hang left/right, you know, the usual stuff. Pics of your ride(s) helps a bunch. Shh......I think they are all sleeping. Anyways, Welcome to the HAMB.
i am restoring a 1955 chevy 210 delray 350/400 i know some girls but i cant tell my wife. if you wanna know which way it hangs youll have to pull it out your mom first. haha JP
Your a FAG, and GREASERS suck... Can we GET off MOMS???? I mean FUCK holmes, I just got off of yours!!!.... ROCKABILLY KOOKS with DEVIL jackets....
[ QUOTE ] if you wanna know which way it hangs youll have to pull it out your mom first. haha JP [/ QUOTE ] Mom jokes? Way to make friends. FUCKO. -r
[ QUOTE ] i am restoring a 1955 chevy 210 delray 350/400 i know some girls but i cant tell my wife. if you wanna know which way it hangs youll have to pull it out your mom first. haha JP [/ QUOTE ] "Restoring" it might be on the wrong message board.
maybe you need new material, so what if i am restoring my car, what are you doing to yours? you must be so hardcore to want to keep yours in primer..
Man, youre a ballsy fuck arent you? In westseattle, you come into someones garahe talking shit, you'll get put in your place REAL fast....And thats if your already a friend... If your a stranger, you'll meet Louie...... I was gonna give you a BITCHBECOOL!, but Im all out of those right now..... -J.
[ QUOTE ] i am restoring a 1955 chevy 210 delray 350/400 i know some girls but i cant tell my wife. if you wanna know which way it hangs youll have to pull it out your mom first. haha JP [/ QUOTE ] Damn. I like you.... Fuck what everyone else says... that is some funny shit! However, If you post some pics, they might settle down a bit... HC
You guys crack me up, if you take offense to everything a person has to say, it must be hard for you to make it through a day. haha I will put some pix up when i can afford a camera. another thing what your idea of restoring is might not be what mine is. cheer the fuck up!
[ QUOTE ] i am restoring a 1955 chevy 210 delray 350/400 [/ QUOTE ] Are ya restoring it or rodding it? I know where there's a ready to go 265" without an oil filter boss if your restoring it and it'll hook up to a powerslide too. What's this 350-400 shit? That's not the way to "restore" a double nickle! Or do you mean your going thru the mechanix and body and fixin all the rust and dents so ya can make it look nice and drivable? Thats good. Welcome to the gawdamn HAMB!