hey nads i knew thom i used to go hang out over at clay philips house when he lived downtown. he was always there. im sure it had something to do with the 30 bikes in the garage at all times. its sad to see him go. i didnt know him very well but what i knew of him was good!
<font color="purple"> I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I know the pain you are goin through. My freind was taken from us from some goof with a gun, and I know that he is up there, surfin and lovin it, keepin an eye on us...makin sure to save a spot for me when I get there, as I'm sure your freind is. Knowin that one day you'll see him again....it's little comfort now, but think of the things you can talk about when you get there! My thoughts are with you. - Tyson </font>
Nads sorry to hear about the loss of your bud!!....You and his family will be in my prayers tonite......good bless Thom!
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, Nads. May God bless him and my condolences to his family. Joel
Hey Nads.......sorry to hear of your and his families loss. My Dad and my Bro have both gone and I know they are in my heart but I take them with me in pic form where ever my truck goes. A family doesn't have to quit cruise'n together just because they are gone. Stay true my Florida friend..... .......Michigan Rick.....
Sorry about the loss of your friend. Be thankful that he was there as a part of your life for the time you knew him.
Yea man... I teared up also as I read your post. In Jan this year my real good friend (best friend) was killed by a fuckin crankster driving headon in to him. My friend left 2 daughters and a widow that I will look after for my whole life now. He named his youngest daughter after me and she is my god daughter. I hate to even write about it but I think it will make me stronger. Please know you will ride with your buddy again as I know that I will go fishing with my bud. later
I went to 14 Funerals last year. its hard to lose friends.So far this year I have not had to get out that weeding/funeral suit and wear it. Bobby..
condolences to his family and you... i'll ride my shovelhead tomorrow and think of thom... hang tough my bretheren... nic
Hey Nads, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I lost a close friend last November... it's not easy. Prayers to you and his family. Rick
No words I can express can alieve the pain of your loss, I've been there before, and only time can heal the that open wound in your heart. So truely sorry to hear of the loss of your buddy. My prayers to you and him. KK
Sorry for your loss Nads.....I know how u feel. He must have been a fantastic guy - u speak so highly of him. May he rest in peace... Rat
I agree he was a great guy and will be missed by many....I had the honor of being a not so close friend but a friend indeed.. Nads call me if I can help ease the pain
Nads, I'm sorry to hear about your freind Thom, that really stinks. Hang in there, my thoughts are with you, man.
Nads, I know you're hurting bro. There is nothing like the loss of someone so close to you. Talk about him with the other people who knew him well. Tell all the funny stories; remember all the crazy stuff you went through together. Carry his memory with you and soon enough, your old buddy Thom will make you smile once again. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how it feels to lose close friends, it's happened too much lately. My prayers for you and Thoms family. Hang in there bro.
Thanks a lot for your concern, y'all are true friends. Jamie from Jacksonville, have we met? I know Clay Phillips real good. Anyways Thom owned a bar called Bodhisattva in downtown Orlando. It was the tiniest little place you ever saw but it was filled with fun and tons of motorcycle memoribilia, including a complete Allstate scooter hanging behind the bar. This was my favorite bar in town. It was also one of the few places that treated bands with respect, none of that "here's 4 drink tickets and a hunnert bucks and get the hell out of here" bullshit. He had had a heart attack several months ago and was told by his doctor that he had to slow down. Finally he did shut the club down last month. Our band was the first and last band to play there, weird, huh? He was doing really well, but I guess the damage was done. He had a heart attack at home early Tuesday morning, his wife administered CPR via directions over the phone but it wasn't enough to save him. I could tell you a million crazy stories about how much fun we had riding bikes and raising hell, but I'll save them for another time. We're gonna put together a charity run for Sandrine and a benefit concert too. I feel a little better today, and I gave my wife and kids extra kisses goodbye this morning. Tell your friends and family you love them and try to bury as many hatchets as you can, because you can never tell when your time is gonna be up.
"To be a friend is to have a friend. Amd as a friend is to touch another with your heart and strength. Legacy imparted in memory forever on those as loved." My deepest sympathies.
Nads, So sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you; I can truly emphathize about losing a close friend at a young age. Take care Mike