I have never been to the show, do you have anymore details, location, times, etc...? Thanks Also do you know anything about the AlterBoys show in september?
Here ya go Jim ..... Thanks to: http://www.autonetnewengland.com/ Unfortunately I couldn't actually copy/paste the flyer as printed so I just copy/pasted the information here. This is a great little show and getting bigger every year..... PLUS you'll get to meet AV8Paul and Leadsledmerc!!! I will be there again this year for sure. Mike p.s. If you want a refresher course on what this show is all about then try this link: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=138294&showall=1 New England Speed Society Vintage Speed in New England and the Northeast No Rules No Dues No Meetings* (except one) Vintage T shirts and Cast License Plate Frames available. * Annual Gathering of the Faithful - Hot Rod Show in Marion Mass. Gathering of the Faithful 8th Annual New England Speed Meeting Saturday October 20 (Raindate Oct 21...Call) 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Marion VFW Post, RT 6, Marion Mass. Located 10 miles East of New Bedford just off Rt. 105 Exit of Rt. 195. Easy access via Rt. 195, 24, & 495. This Meeting Is For All Types of Vintage Speed 4s, 6s, 8s, Flatheads, Hemis, Nailheads, Dragsters, Gassers, Vintage Stock Cars, Midgets & Roundy Rounds ALL Pre 1960 VINTAGE HOT RODS, RACE CARS AND ENTHUSIASTS ARE WELCOME DRIVE OR TRAILER THAT IRON YOU HAVE BEEN HIDING FOR EVERYBODY TO ENJOY. 8TH ANNUAL SPEED MEETING NOSTALGIC T-SHIRT WILL BE AVAILABLE. DOOR PRIZES, GREAT HAMBURGERS, REFRESHMENTS AND OLD TIME FUN. FREE VENDOR SPACE TO SELL OR TRADE. BRING YOUR CAR, SPEED PARTS, SPEED STUFF, PICTURES AND STORIES. TICKETS $10.00 EACH AT THE GATE Call Jack wegman 508-888-3103 for more info or eMail jackwegman@verizon.net or seaweed8 @verizon.net for event flyer. This is a show the way they used to be. The perfect club to join if you live in the Northeast and love vintage speed and racing. *Gathering of the Faithful-Vintage Speed Show held every October near Cape Cod. Laid back show the way they used to be. (See Massachusetts Events) New England Speed Society New England Speed Society is looking for 4 Banger speed enthusiasts. The club has no dues, no rules, no meetings. Perhaps we can organize a hill climb in the Northeast. NESS together with the Early V-8 Club of Cape Cod, runs the Gathering of the Faithful, an annual vintage speed meeting, at the VFW Post in Marion Mass. It is held every October, usually on the Saturday of the first or second week following Hershey. Rain date is the next day (Sunday). Next year, 2007, it is October 20, Rain Date Sunday October 21 (Call). Thanks to everyone who helped make last year's Gathering a success.This years event flyer is available as well as a few extra nostalgic T's and sweats from this years event. If interested eMail seaweed8@verizon.net
56KUSTOM ..... I hope to meet you down there this year. As for where it's located and how to get there? AV8Paul said it best when i asked the same thing last year: "Hey Mike, Glad you're going to make it again this year. the new place is high and dry...no dirt road to get in. No street address. Just take 495 south get off on 195 go to exit 20 (RT 105), take a right at the end of off ramp. You'll go by the old location, turn right at the lights (RT 6), go about 1/4 mile. It's on your right. Screw mapquest. Ha See ya there."
mike, i'm just looking for the flyer so i can print it out.Hooks going with us & i told him i'd get a flyer. JimV
Well here we go again. Whats up with weddings on this week end ? Last year I had a wedding to go to but wash able to make it to the show but this year the wedding is in Rochester N.Y. So looks like i won't be able to make it this year. WTF Mike take lots of pics. again this year. And don't be talking to Keith about going to the doctor this year you will only get worked up for nothing. LOL
I thought you said you had to take a double dose of Geritol for this show??? haha I'm glad to see you finally came around, this is a great show with tons of early cars. Now that I've got a hitch on the '37, I might even hook up the boat and bring it. Thanks for the directions Mike, I probably would have got lost! haha I'll see you guys there. hahaha...I forgot all about that. I think Mike's already has monthly appointments scheduled cause it felt sooo good that first time!! Don't worry, we'll get him prepped! Skip the wedding, there will always be more. Just send the gift with your wife, she'll understand. If you want, have her call me if you want, I'll get it all worked out for you. We're always here for you buddy!
Blow it off, weddings don't last anyway.They'll be divorced by the time you drive back to Cumberland!!Save your money.!! JimV
October 20th is the same day at the Hot Rod Fallout in CT.....isnt it? I think I have a flier for the 'Faithful' show on my website.... http://www.chop-shopcustoms.com/shows/lNewEnglandSpeed.pdf
Great Show, last year was the first time for me, and I got there late. My Henderson 4 Midget will have the new wheels this year. Ben Bragg will have a seminar on building 4 Banger race motors, that should be worth the trip alone.
Yea it's the same day, but there's plenty of time to make it to both. Start off at the Gathering and then head to Charlies from there. What an awesome day of hot rods this is going to be...I can't wait!!!!
Your right!! i think we should call it"Hotrodstock"!!We better get the defibulator out for Mike!!lol "CLEAR"!!!! JimV
jim - did you get a flyer for larry yet? jack wegman sent one to me in e-mail and i printed it and stuck it in the coupe. let me know if you still need it.
what he said. that link takes you right to the flyer. besides, being the puter-dumbass that i am, i can't figure out how the hell to get it in here anyways - LOL
been waiting for this show to come around again, good thing its in october, that gives my dad and i a month and a half to get the '55 on the road!
The Fall Out starts @ 11am and goes all night. This year is going to be huge! So hit the show in Mass and then come on down to our show in CT Cheers Matt
John- you need parts at all? Im sure we have some shit in the basement .. Lenny has the entire stock of Danchuk and more down there..... Boxes and Boxes of stuff I never venture into...
That's my plan, the Gathering and then the Fall Out...what a day this is going to be!! Jimv, are you guys still planning the same this year?
I hope to make it unless something unexpected comes up. my car is all apart so I wont be bringing it this year
its coming down to the *wire* hahaha 2 days to install a complete wiring harness, can we do it again?!?? hope so! see ya there with or without the 55!
UPDATE: The Gathering has been moved to Sunday Oct 21 because of the weather. Call if you have questions call 508-888-3103, or simply let me know you received this eMail. See you there!....Jack<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>