Greetings, I am new here. I hail from the eastern Pennsylvania area. You guys have a great site here. I'm looking forward to learning from you guys. I have a '64 Ford F-100 Flareside. Still in the project stage, but driveable (occasionally). I also frequent the website. ...Sinc
Hey Guys, Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to participating on this site. Hey HotRodSurfer - Nice to know someone else so close by. Did you attend any of the more recent events...Hot Rod Hoedown or the Parkland Car Club Car Show? Later...Sinc
Hey, thanks AGAIN for the welcome messages. Man, Trevose (very close to me) and Lansdale (not that far either)...Lewisburg on the other hand might be a hike!
Technically, we're not a state but a Commonwealth. Last I looked,we still had the right to vote.Did you? And, BTW, no politics on the HAMB.
Sinc & KlassicHauler, Welcome to the fast lane, hold on for a bitchin' ride................... Cruiser