I have tons of metal scrap I need to get rid of. I made my first trip to the scrap recycle place today. I had 1108 lbs of metal. Car body chunks, frames etc etc. I got 20 bucks and a little change. Is this the going rate? It barely pays for my gas to get there and back.
i think you got screwed.. i believe the rate around here (nj) is something like $6 per 100 lbs (maybe it's less where you are) was it mixed metals..in other words aluminum, steel, copper all mixed together?? not 100% sure on that figure, but $20 bucks sounds ridiculously cheap
From what I have been told that if it is mixed metals in your load you will be paid a lesser amount. Paid more it you seperate the metals...ie: aluminum from the steel...or have your local scrapper come get it to get out of your hair. Let them deal with it
The Iron, such as blocks, frames, rear ends, etc is about 190 a ton here.. car bodies and light tin are about 175 a ton aluminum is .75 a pound clean, no iron..no bolts, nothing. brass radiators 1.50 no steel. Seperate it out, and knock off the impurities and get your $$. You got $40 a ton. alot less than you should. Even if they paid you the lowest car body price, for everything mixed up should have been about $90.. They hosed you. Tell them about it, or try another place.
Only place to go close to me that I know of is Arrow metals in Woodinville. Guess Ill call them and act like I know nothing (not a hard act for me) and get a rate quote. It was mixed metal.
Guess I was expecting too much...here is a chopped down picture of the invoice. Im sure I have 2 or 3 tons left. I can put it in the metal container for free at the recycle place thats close to my house.
Sounds pretty low to me. Around here if you throw something metal anywhere near the curb the scrappers flock to it like a fucking moth to a flame, if you want to keep anything it better be chained to a tree. LOL I scrapped a ford festiva not to long ago and got $120 out of it.
Scrap is scrap. If it is unsaleable where you live it is scrap. Doesn't matter if it is complete early Ford front ends, rearends, steering columns, transmissions or flathead V8 engine blocks. We scrapped upwards of 1300# a few years back just to get the stuff out of our way, we got $13 or so. Next few loads we just dumped them at the place rather than waste the time getting weighed in and unloaded etc. for that kind of money. We had a lot of old stuff which was usable but couldn't get anybody to come get it for any amount of money. Oh well, everything we kept is worth more now I guess.
Here we get 5.00 per 100 lbs. of light metals and 6.00 for heavy metals..it pays to seperate..I'd say you didn't do too well..at the right yard we can unload a parted out and stripped car with no title, you know, so long as it isn't a new Mustang or something....
Sorry to say but it sounds lke you pretty much got hosed. Here in the NY Tri-State area steel is 7 cents a lb, Al ranges from 50 cents to 85 cents depending on what it's mixed with. Copper was at $2.35 a lb last Wednesday. Stainless, cast and toher stuff all falls in there as well. Like others have said. It's in your best interest to separate it out as best you can. At a bare minimum you should have gotten about 65-75 bucks for that pile.
Talk to the owners of the lot first to find out what they take and who it needs to be seperated.five months ago cleaned out an old machine shop,and got $13000 for 11 loads of seperated brass aluminumand stainless.1100 lbs. per load.you should be getting alittle more
You got screwed, without the benefit of a smile or a reach around.....I get 190 a ton for Heavy (Blocks & such), $185 for tin (Cars, etc.) Its nice " fill in" $$$ for when things are slow....the junk car biz here is cut throat tho....I've been in it a while, and never saw it like it is today....
I have about a 20 mile drive to the nearest scrapyard. I can take a complete car (however complete I want it to be), minus tires and gas tank and get $5 per 100#. I don't need a title either...
Just scrapped out a 57' Caddy, no it REALLY was wasted, burned to the ground and not a straight/salvegable piece of tin or hardpart left on it. 3500# with out motor/trans/rearend=$200 That comes out to about $120. a ton