Not rodding related I guess but here goes. I was working on my wifes truck our 1994 Olds Bravada. I was running rough so I went to take the EGR off and clean it with some brake cleaner. Well one of the bolts was cross threaded and broke off in the aluminum lower intake. After trying to rush it, I "blew out" the entire right side of the intake hole for the EGR bolt, thus me needing to get a used lower intake from the junkyard. I have never done anything with distributors in my life, I just unbolted the "u-bolt " from the intake and pulled the distributor out without marking anything for reference. What can I do here?
take out the number 1 spark plug, put your finger over the spark plug hole, have someone gently bump the motor over, when the compression blows your finger off the hole you are close to TDC, now rol the motor over w/ a wrench to line up the timing marks. now you can re-install the distributor with the rotor pointing at #1 terminal on the cap. if the distributor doesn't seat all the way down, bump the starter to line up the oil pump shaft, now recheck all the alignment before putting the cap back on
On a GM 4.3 is the drivers side front cylinder #1? Then do I just trace my #1 spark plug wire to where that wire attaches to the cap and have the rotor pointed that way?
You can just follow the plug wire or look at the front of the motor.The cylinder head that is further forward is the #1 side.You want that rotor to point at the #1 terminal on the cap when it goes back in.
i would think you could do it like any other distributor fired engine, kinda like what 62 falcon gasser is saying
Sounds like they have it right..............Just so you Olds Bravada is NOT a truck.............not in my mind anyways...............