Man there is some ugly stuff this year (dont get me wrong, I like alot of the high-tech stuff and sport truck stuff, but this year its not to impressive - probably because I really dislike the all black painted rims or very dark grey with no chrome or polished lips). The orange vette fastback is interesting.. It looks like the fastback roof/ trunk set up comes off so it can maintain its original ragtop/ convert status... I like the silver 69 camaro please tell em this is not Project X
There are only about 3 cars that are halfway cool. The Chevy 3 window is bad ass, some of the other ones look OK at a glance but then they go horribly wrong somewhere.... The future of the "Industry" looks pretty bleak to me. people might me making a lot of money but the end results are horrid. I would Roll in that urban assult vehicle that is basically a suburban on a 2 ton chassis though......
The 35/36 three windows look nice. I like the green modern build on page 2 as well as the traditional Nailhead custom on 17.
What?? Not one picture of the only interesting and unique bike there? The bike that was over at megs booth?
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed with the show this year. Been going for a while now and this is probably the last one. PRI is way better.
that vette fastback looks like a gm motorama car, at least the back part, i think it was called corvair. the rpu is the only thing i would caught dead in.....
Do you suppose these cars could be a contributing factor as to why the traditional hot rod scene is exploding? They all are high dollar butt ugly.
Thanks for the pics. Had to work all week and didn't get to go. Those pics saved me a lot of walking.
There are also a ton o pics on its not seperated by sections, but he has about 1400 pics from the week
Not doing much for me. The E-85 coupe would get me to stop and look but that pretty much it. Some of the Fiat parts vendors go there every year and I can never figure out why other than to drink and party. No one puts that blink crap on Fiats so I can't figure out why they go. Maybe many of the vendors stick a pimped out H3 in their booth but really make mostly repop plastic vent covers for classic cars or something. Paying the rent is always a lot more boring than shows like this make it look.
There certainly is a lot of imagination running wild at that show,how much money do they make showing off the wares.Actually the 57/58/59/60(take your pick) reminds me more of a Triumph GT6 hardtop from the 70's.It's getting harder to design something completely different using an old body.Oh well,keep on roddin'
the lights and grill was a dead giveaway. I thought the Smokey & the Bandit-esque Firebird was pretty cool. But my eyes couldn't handle 90% of the rest.
I want one of those ford Flex's!! long live the stationwagon!! but i'm sure it will be over priced and underpowered. ok i'll get one at carmax in a few year for cheap keith