That looks like a 56 Chevy hood.Love seeing this stuff in the bush....Could be some good parts on that 59 Pontiac!
looking at it if you took time to straighten it out you could put it on anything you want it would look great and you got brackets with it to nice find
now, this is just what i'd do with it. throw it on ebay and let somebody else have one of those eyesores...
I could probably use that 389/hydro in the 41 maybe, do you have any access to a tractor to pull that car out Tad?
those are awsome pictures, i recently took a trip to middle of nowhere, utah about an hour and a half drive from my house i wish id of taken my camera, tons of cars and great junk
it will fit most split window trucks or sedans. I have one in new condition, complete..believe it or not they do bring a nice ammount of money on e-pay. Ive seen um go over $500. that one would need some TLC