This has been a week of links it seems... But, I saved my favorite for last. David Hall runs in an effort to show off an...<P><P>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
You and me both... looked through the whole catalog. Those are some very cool things, I love those old ads. Bob Peak, Bob McCall, Frank Tinsley, you can't get any better. Thanks for that Ryan!
WOW! Ryan, I owe you big! That stuff really sets off the brain, what with the streaming classic blues music here at work and all. Would I appreciate all this as much if I were born in '45 instead of '65? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder.... ....... yeah, I would! I'm gonna go back and look at some more.
Just bookmarked this terrific site....THANKS! Here's a book filled with more of the same. It was sold at Hallmark stores a couple of years ago during the Holidays. 7"x7" and more than an inch thick. They were $15.00 and later on the clearance table for $4.00!!!
Wonder if that is the same guy who had the EphemeraNow site a few years back. Similar if not the same stuff, but I had noticed that site was gone lately. Glad to have this one now! Thanks Ryan!
hahaha. thats messed up! FOUND. ON. ROAD. DEAD? I right click/saved so many pictures, I think my hard drive is gonna be full!
Wow, that is a pretty bad ass site. Thanks! I was going through the cars and unless I'm blind I didn't see a single '59 Ford. Kinda surprised. Oh well.
HUGE THANKS, Ryan! I couldn't stop searching this site (two hours). Love his wry writing on the blog pages. Anybody who digs Friday art show will want to check this site out. The illustrators back then were able to use amazing and bold graphic style seldom seen in advertizing anymore. It is hard to choose any one image but the "B-24's Over Ploesti" is just killer! The Chevy Trucks group paintings are practically Norman Rockwell.
I've had plan59 bookmarked for months now. I love to just go see what wacky stuff was going on in the world of 50's advertising.
Great Site! I too have spent a couple of hours at work surfing through all of the artwork. This brings up a question about reproducing old advertisements, is this considered copyright infringement? Or, is there some sort of time frame that has to go by before you don't have to worry about reproducing and selling old ads and promotional prints?
Ya be shure to look at "shorpy", it will give ya a little more to be thankfull for next week during thanksgiving. Man some people had it rough and still do. Thanks again Ryan.
man those are so freaking beautiful. I was looking at them for a good hour. wish I could get some large prints for cheap. here is one of my favorites.
Ugh if only illustrators we're in as high demand now as in the 50's. Oh and if you're still killing time...
Ryan, Thank You!! a true "Treasure Chest" can't stop staring at these fab. images!!-Sololobo/Roadburners of Omaha
Well, there you go....the guy they are interviewing there is Dave Hall.....same guy, new web site. Wooohoooo! I loved the EphemeraNow site, glad he has done a new one.
That site is really cool and has really grown. I been collecting the same type stuff for years but mostly pre WW II. I always loved the art work. The mid '50s is some of the greatest ever. Sometime in the later '50s they started using photography along with art and the artwork eventually disappeared in the mid '60s. Really a shame. Here a few from my stash. This for Buick in '42. You can really see the artistic style change from the '30s here. '55 Cadillac '57 Chrysler '58 Chrysler '58 Chrysler but with a photograph from the same ad.
I gotta get more of the scans done of my dad's stuff. Pontiac Club De Mer brochure cover Cutaway Illustration of the Buick Wildcat III from a GM booklet called Styling, the Look of Things to Come.