Anybody remember a book that was about the building of a 60`s hot rod that had 2 engines side by side and the body that was build of plywood and then filled? Had a dome glass top? I can`t remember much more then this.I was young but it showed how they build it.How they mounted the two engines,I`m thinking the engines were two nail heads.What stuck in my mind all these years was how they build the body from wood and plaster filler over it.I remember such a book from my school days.our library had this book.Teachers told us to find something interesting to read and I found this. it had lots of This may be not enough info to figure it out but I alway wonder what the name of the book was called.I forgot,it was so long ago. and if I could find a copy of it agian.
Do you remember a little more about the book? Was it a book about model cars and real cars and had buildups with Ed Big Daddy Roth? The reason I ask is that when I was a kid, I found such a book at my elementary school library. It was at least 20 years old then. I loved that book and wish somehow I could have bought it. It had a lot of pictures showing Roth hand laying the fiberglass for the Mysterion and some of his other cars.
The book"Here is your Hobby: Car Customizing" has a foreword & was edited by Henry Gregor Felson (Hot Rod, Street Rod, was written by BDR, shows basic customizing, the build of the Mysterion, the engine swap, of a Big Block Ford into BDR's '55 chevy driver...etc. I have a copy, and its on my top shelf. I NEVER have seen another copy.....
I have a copy. My wife was a school nurse and the school library had a bunch of books they were going to throw out. By chance, she noticed it and knew I would want it. There are several HAMBers who have a copy, and they appear on eBay fairly regularly.
WOW!!! that is the book!! Now I have 5 days to wate. So I was not the only one finding this in there local library.Thanks for the ebay tip. fitzee