Drewfus...narrow it?? It would help by making it a single seater. What fun is getting muddy if you can't get a passenger muddy with you? The frontend does hang out there a bit. Using the kick up in the wishbone to lower the car a bit lengthened it. Total wheelbase is around 107"
Rix ....don't really know. A HAMBer said they were 37 Packard. They had 32 Olds on them when I bought them but the seller was just guessing. They're pretty big. Just shy of a foot long. Clark
Appoligies, not narrow, section (ie trim 2" off the bottom of the body). sorry for the brain fade. Cheers, Drewfus
What a kool ride Clark!!! Can't wait to see it finished and covered in Mud. How do ya get a bunch of guys to come over and help you build a car for yourself? Looks like a lot of fun!
[ QUOTE ] What a kool ride Clark!!! Can't wait to see it finished and covered in Mud. How do ya get a bunch of guys to come over and help you build a car for yourself? Looks like a lot of fun! [/ QUOTE ] ........that ain't nothin'..........did you see his post about the "gang" of little boys he works with?????
Hey Larry, how'd you guess I'd be late...??? hahaha... Lawnmower needed my undivided attention at home... I even brought my welder and a smaller spool of wire for you to try on yours....
[ QUOTE ] 64Rustin.....Beer. [/ QUOTE ] That's what I figured, but I had to ask. Anyone up for building a very Rusty '64 Chevy? Beer here... I don't proclaim to be a photochopper compared to some of the others on the HAMB, but I thought I would color up this roadster. Attached is the first try...
I think paint would put it over the buget and if there is no money there is no beer and if there is no beer there is no help.Trust me drunk idiots are alot of help.
[ QUOTE ] I think paint would put it over the buget and if there is no money there is no beer and if there is no beer there is no help.Trust me drunk idiots are alot of help. [/ QUOTE ] AMEN
Rustin...Cool!! Sumo has been buggin me to paint the wheels yellow and do a black and yellow scheme. I wanted to do a blue and off white scheme on it with the front and lower area being the off white. now that it's the 6 day wonder time only allows for black (dp90) with white lettering. Clark
[ QUOTE ] "paint the wheels yellow and do a black and yellow scheme" [/ QUOTE ] Here's the yellow and black version with yellow wheels, chrome hubcaps and "So-What" lettering...
[ QUOTE ] "I wanted to do a blue and off white scheme on it with the front and lower area being the off white" [/ QUOTE ] Here's a "kinda blue" and off-white version. I was going to make the wheels off-white too, but I couldn't get the color masking to work the way I wanted, so I settled for a "pale kinda blue". Tom...
[ QUOTE ] This reminds me. I need more beer before Saturday morning or I'll have a riot on my hands. Clark [/ QUOTE ] By the way, thanks... my first tries at photoshopping. Yes, yes, ya gotta get the beer!!! You don't need no stinking riots. Tom...