I just got back from my local Friday night cruise spot (Bob's Big Boy restaurant in Toluca Lake). Anyway, my shop's here (at home) and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. I got to thinking about almost finishing the bags on my buddy's 57 Pontiac earlier today, and went out an just finished the rear at 11PM. I'm happier than a Fag with a bag full of dicks. Now I'm relaxing with a couple shots and a beer. So, who's buzzed, and why???? (file photo of the 57 before bags were done)
I'm just a young guy (24) and buzzed as a mother.... my girly is home for the holidays but with her girly friends, and I got bored... the local club was full of hottys... she was on my mind all night. end of story.
i am, in celebration of my new job wrenching and for officially buying the '38 cad flathead for my diamond t modified. now i just have to get it to my new shop
Just unloaded well over a thousand of those lil kids bikes in my Sig. Took a lil nap when I got home and am now wired and sipping some Mpls beer my sis in law brought me...............mmmm Surly.
i don't have much of a buzz, but then it's only 9am, i just started drinking, check back in an hour...
Groucho man, I couldn't help but stare at your car... What a cool machine! Got any pics of it out in the sun?
It's a buddy of mine's car. I just redid the motor and brake system. Kustom Paul from Nipomo did the paint while the motor was out. Now I'm bagging it. When the front bags are done (soon I hope since this is kind of a 1st for me) I'll take a bunch of pictures outside, layin for ya
Took my car out last night for a few miles in the 20* weather. Got home, did a big burnout and went in. Frozen, but jone'zn for more. Can't wait to beat on it some more today.
been renovating all day,walked down to the eagles hall,drank a few heineken,now whiskey at home watchin tcm.maybe i should get a life.
excellent buzz going right now... not the greatest of days, got my '68 mustang about halfway to my dad's place for storage this winter, and the belt burnt up due to the alt freezing up... so after a few stops to let it cool back down i finally got it there... then put a new bumper cover on my wifey's expedition... in the cold... cuz my blower motor on my woodburner in the garage took a shit on me.... but i'm done whining now, enjoying my beers and relaxing... and shopping for parts to fix all the shit that broke today
When I'm buzzed working on cars fags never cross my mind ! Not even when I'm not buzzed. But I do think about strippers sometimes !!!
Yesturday afternoon, I finally fixed the soft brakes on my T Bucket. I rigged up a small fuel tank, cranked her up and rode her across the parking lot at work, where I'm building her. I have not gotten a steering box or column yet, so I had to aim her in a straight line. No throttle cable yet, so she had to run at idle and not even a body to put on the chassis. The parking lot is about 100', so it was a short couple trips back and forth, sitting on a make shift seat, seeing how it might be when she's done. Listening to the engines soft rumble, I guess I was as happy as.... well, I ain't going to repeat it. Yea, she's my first hot rod and I'm still freakin' buzzed. Now I'm comparing prices for reversed steering boxes, so I can get one next weekend. It sure would be cool if Santa hooks me up with a body this Christmas.
I got pretty hammered last night celebrating getting my motor mounted in my project finally, but that left me unable to work today...and Groucho, the act of wearing that shirt isn't gay, nor its colors...it's all in HOW you wear it...I suggest very tight and showing bellybutton...and take pics hahaha
I'm buzzed. Why did those Scotts have to invent such a tasty drink? I went out to the garage for the first time in a month, so it seems like a milestone.
I got one, but its from the painkillers the doc gave me. Oxycontin.....mmm, morphine......... Never thought there would be an up side to falling 1000ft! Doc.
Got home from thanksgiving in Texas about 9ish. Finally got all the gear unloaded and put away for myself the wife and 3 kids. Made sure the shop was still there. Made a post or 2. The kids and I played some go fish. Got the kids cleaned up and to bed about 11:30ish. Revised an earlier post. Watched the tail end of a goofy movie. Had a 2 shots a beer and a (?) in the meantime. I'm feeling pretty "Buzzed". Doc,I prefer to take my medication for entertainment purposes.LOL Good Night All.
Yeah..............mines the same too.....only, it's blue......and bigger.........and says Walker on it...................
And I got the same 2 post lift, except mines blue and yellow. And I dont get to have a good buzz anymore. They cut my ass off 17 years ago. Oh shit! Ya mean this is the best I'm gonna feel all day???? I'm going to the shop....