I got a reply to my intro asking for pics of the car, I dug up some pics to post .... obviously a long way to go!
I like what yer doing with the grille, that's kinda different! My buddy Randy in Shasta Lake has his '53 210 project garage-bound for awhile, the shots he and I have taken have a similiar angle. What are the current things yer focussing on, with it?
I am working on motor and trans stuff right now, I am looking for a 261, but if I cant round one up then I have a 235 to work with. I will be running an S10 T5 trans, and a '57 210 rear end. I plan move the rear spring hangers inboard enough to put a seriuos drop on her without using drop blocks. once I get the drive train essentials done I will start on the body, thinking about chopping the top, but I have plenty to keep me busy for now Jeff
Come again, Jeff? What do you mean when you say you're planning to move the spring hangers inboard to drop the BelAir?
I couldn't do that.. I'd bump or a cat would bump or an earth quake would shake the car just enough to send that hood scraping down the back of the roof, breaking the back glass, denting the trunk then it would continue off the side in a quirk of motion and land on the radiator, smashing both it and the corner of the hood. That's just the way thongs are around here. Just Wednesday I was just about to revarnish the bed on my truck in the driveway, had it all sanded down, quart of varnish in one hand, brush in the other, and my next door neighbor's lawn sprinklers come on, up wind of course. So I quick put the quart with the lid just set on top under the bed and grab some stuff and cover the sprayers right next to the truck getting it real wet and wait it out. While waiting, I see a couple spots I missed with the scotch pad so I give the bed another inspection and, you know, I kicked over the whole quart ($26, the cheap stuff actually) of varnish, all over the driveway! grabbed something quick to mop it up before it was running all the way down the sloped drive, I think it used to be wife's bath robe... and went to the Marine Supply for another quart of varnish.. and varnished it the next day... Could you put some "bicycle hooks" in the ceiling to hang the hood and radiator on?
[ QUOTE ] Could you put some "bicycle hooks" in the ceiling to hang the hood and radiator on? [/ QUOTE ] Do it or DrJ wont be sleeping in peace for a while.
Yeah southfork, I jacked the idea from pictures I found online, but I plan on building a x-member to bring the front spring hangers in and up, should drop the car 4" or more with no drop blocks. I will have to reposition the rear hangers and axle saddles slightly. Here is a pic of the theory in practice Pic
Count on either modifying or eliminating your spare tire well if you do the rear spring thing. The stock springs & hangers are VERY close to this, and pointing them inward will get them uncomfortably close. It will also leave you little room for exhaust. Keep an eye on the fuel tank, too. Cool project. Have fun! And welcome from another newbie!